Home - matthew-mizielinski/BroadclystCodeClub GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the BroadclystCodeClub wiki!
Some thoughts on current activities and further work
Items in bold have been prototyped and in some cases used in club
Light meter (Run in club)
- Read LDR value, display on screen as a single digit
- use graph plotting blocks?
- Vortex Cannon; timing the speed of a moving vortex
Neopixel and sensors (Run in club)
- Tilt sensors to colour
- Radio switch colour to other microbit
- Neopixel ring receiver
Radio Remote control
- Bessie Radio
- Pintograph
- Radio control Charlie
- 4 concurrent microbit controllers
- Web streaming from camera (frame rate variable to allow cpu load control)
Radio location
- Indoor positioning system using
received packet signal strength
5DOF robotic arm
- More sending signals
- needs safety cutout and sanity control of instructions
- 6 concurrent users?
Serial data from accelerometer
- Conical pendulum
- Track a runner
- Throw a ball with microbit in?
- What did bessie do?