How To Use v0.79 - matthew-alex-hill/Transupposer GitHub Wiki

Select Input and Output Files

Use the 'Browse' buttons to select an input file and select/create an output file if needed

Select Roots and Modes

Enter a key in the input root and output root boxes and click 'Submit' for both. You should get a confirmation message in the status area saying that the input or output root is updated. A valid key is any note name followed by any number of #s or bs for example "C###", "Abb", "D", "E#b#b". Then select the input mode and output mode on the sliders. Make your your input mode is correct to the piece as otherwise you will not transpose to the expected output mode.

Play Midi Preview

Click the play button to play the midi preview after selecting an input file. Press the >> and << buttons to modify playback speed. Press the -> or <- buttons to jump forward or backwards 10 seconds. Press stop to stop playback. You will have to press play every time you change a transposer setting in this current build. Note: Windows users may have a problem where midi files are played at the wrong speed in this version.

Create a Transposed File

Hit 'Transpose' to create your transposed file, and locate it in the output file path you selected earlier.