Microsoft Azure Event Hubs Writer - mattcasters/kettle-azure-event-hubs GitHub Wiki

This step allows you to write messages (events) to a streaming service bus called Event Hubs on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.

Screen shot:

The writer step dialog

Here are the important options to fill in to get the step to work:

  • Event Hubs namespace: the name of your Event Hubs namespace
  • Event Hubs instance name: the name of the Event Hub, the instance itself.
  • SAS Policy key name: the name of the policy in the "Shared Access Policies" section of the Event Hubs Namespace in the Azure dashboard. This needs to be a policy with the "Send" claim enabled.
  • SAS Key connection string: You can use the value in the policy labeled "Connection string–primary key"
  • Batch size: the number of messages (events) to send in one batch with each call to Azure.
  • Message field: the field containing the message to use as the events. Please note you can use a step like JSON Output or "Java Script" to assemble the message.