Troubleshooting - matt-cahill/DCSFlightpanels GitHub Wiki

If you have problems with DCSFlightpanels (DCSFP) / BIOS look below for some tips:

  • Are you using latest BIOS / DCSFP versions ?


There are some instances where there will be conflicts between BIOS and other custom software and to resolve these it is very important to have the correct order in which the various programs are called from the export.lua:

local dcsHl=require('lfs');dofile(dcsHl.writedir()..'Scripts\\Helios\\HeliosExport.lua')

local dcsRg=require('lfs');dofile(dcsRg.writedir()..[[Scripts\DCS-raygun.lua]])


local vaicomlfs=require('lfs');dofile(vaicomlfs.writedir()..[[Scripts\VAICOMPRO\VAICOMPRO.export.lua]])

local Tacviewlfs=require('lfs');dofile(Tacviewlfs.writedir()..'Scripts/TacviewGameExport.lua')

pcall(function() local dcsSr=require('lfs');dofile(dcsSr.writedir()..[[Mods\Services\DCS-SRS\Scripts\DCS-SimpleRadioStandalone.lua]]); end,nil);


  • If you Use the BuddyFox A-10C UFC make sure in the export.lua the entry for raygun is above the BIOS entry (see above) and use the latest Version of Raygun.

  • To check Bios is working: delete the files in the Json Folder. drive:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\DCS-BIOS\doc\json after you start an flight and take control of the airplane, all files should rewrite and all files are back again

  • Also test with the CTRL-Ref (DCS-BIOS Control Reference Page) that BIOS is working and you can "play" with some switches. Setting up the Page

  • If the master branch not working correct, try to regenerate the Json Files. Start an flight and take control of any Plane

  • Hamachi can make Problems with BIOS. You can send commands but not receive Data. Disable the Hamachi interface in the windows network adapters and it should work.

DCSFlightpanel Side

  • Delete the old configuration files for previous DCSFlightpanels versions (instructions can be found in settings)

    Delete all Folders in drive:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\DCSFlightpanels

  • Disable Windows USB Power Management : [Options] => [Disable USB Power Management] (You need run DCSFP as admin)

  • Make sure that the path in the Settings, points to your Json folder of BIOS in you choosen DCS version (stable/beta)

  • A new Plane apears in the List but with no aviable commands. Use the master branch of Flightpanel DCS-BIOS fork

  • Some readout don't match the ingame Gauge. May the valve needs some conversion => see formular.txt in install Folder of DCSFlightpanel

BuddyFox A-10C UFC

  • If you using it, plug it direct into an USB Port on the PC and not in an USB-HUB. Else the Master Caution Light wont work.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️