Character - matsstenhaug/gamedev15 GitHub Wiki
Story and background
Long ago the majestic penguin tribe ‘the pengulins’ arrived at the shores of the great continent “The Land of Mujibuji” inhabited by the wild tribe of monkeys, ‘the monkelins’.
The two tribes joined forces and formed a bond with each other and the tribe merged into the tribe of ‘Monguins’. As a symbol for their eternal respect for each other, the elders, of the two communities, combined their knowledge and strength to create a sacred “relic” containing immense power that could save their friends and families and loved ones from any harm. It also ensures a bright future.
But sadly, the elders of the two tribes died shortly after and a quarrel arose over who should become the next elders and take possession of the “relic”, leading to a fight of epic proportions !!!!
Character details
A Monguin is a very intelligent being, at least in terms of primitive life forms. They are very territorial creatures, and the only things they value over all others, are Coconuts! Over time, the Monguin race has become more military and even more protective of their valued possessions.
So, those creatures are mythical, mad and egotistic. And most of all, very intelligent-looking and highly military un-trained. If you can’t quite picture it – think of them as the result of “penguins of Madagascar meets monkey combat from monkey island.”
Character abilities & stats The Monguins have a few abilities that they lend out to all (and each of them) the players. The abilities can be split into two categories: damaging abilities and support abilities. And not only the abilities are split. The monguins can also "split" -let's call it a "non-ability" ability - allowing the number of players in one team to adapt during the game. As a concept, this is relatively simple - when a new player connects, the game would make room for that new player on the team of his/her choice. And it would do so through a team-based pool of stats and available damage points that get shuffled and re-assigned to all the players on one team, on each connect.
The figure below shows how the abilities are divided and react to each new connect.