2019.01.24 Coordinates, Server upgrade, Transit Viz - matsim-org/viz GitHub Wiki
@billyc @janekdererste @kainagel
- WebStorm IDE doesn't seem to play nice with Vue+TypeScript files. We suggested switching to VS Code would be a smoother experience
- Discussion about the server upgrade required to handle large input files. Since everything must happen in memory, we need more RAM in the server. Jakub is working on this but says it will take approx. two weeks. Kai said he will try and prioritize this so we can move forward.
- NOx X/Y/T plot depends on the server update. Janek is working on this
- DK4 coordinate system for Berlin is handmade and should be deprecated. Kai emailed the WiMi's, asking if there is a clear solution to this.
- EPSG:31468 seems to work in as a replacement
- or perhaps DHDN_GK4, to be investigated
- and ultimately Ihab thinks we should migrate the Berlin scenario to EPSG:25833 (ETRS89 / UTM zone 33N ), as this is the one used for most (all?) planning purposes in Berlin right now.
- Transit supply viz doesn't work with Kai's BerlKoenig outputs. Billy is investigating (looks like a .gzip problem at first glance)
- Kai would like the standard, basic MATSim outputs to be viewable, browseable, analyzed. We agree and think that the processing should happen on the back-end server after upload, instead of requiring users to change their post-processing scripts.
- Some confusion/discussion over how separate runs will be handled in the UI. We already have tagging functionality in the upload dialog; this may require some training and some examples of it working.
- Kai is still frustrated with our velocity, as are we.
@janekderste is working on the NOx back-end analysis, ultimately generating a JSON file for plotting in the GUI
@billyc will debug the transit supply viz so that it works more generically, with .gzip, with whatever projection is used, etc
@billyc needs to rethink the project file browser so that things like PNG images can be viewed (low priority)