sa population files - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki

Population files

The 10% samples of nine metropolitan areas in South Africa. Each sample contains the persons, the person attributes, the households, and its attributes. Each area also contains commercial vehicles, each vehicle with at least one activity inside the specific area.

Each zip-file contains six files:

  • population.xml.gz - the persons with age, gender and employment attributes;
  • populationAttributes.xml.gz - additional attributes such as a reference id to the household they belong to, the person's population group, role in the household (relative to the household head), and the person's school-going status;
  • households.xml.gz - the households with the household member Ids, and an annual household income expressed in South African Rand (ZAR);
  • householdAttributes.xml.gz - additional attributes such as the housing and main dwelling type (as per the Census 2011 data), and the household's home coordinate;
  • freight.xml.gz - a subpopulation of commercial vehicles, with each vehicle having at least one activity in the area; and
  • freightAttributes.xml.gz - an additional attribute to indicate the subpopulation (useful for MATSim runs where subpopulations have different replanning strategies).


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