faq 83722270 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki
by seham hemdan on 2016-09-12 02:24:26
I wondered if the Events-Based Public Transport Router contribution is applicable with multi-modal network (for bus and car sharing the same road space)
or its only for simulate PT.
If yes what is the required changes in the network file should be done.
also if their is any previous work similar to this idea please let me know.
thank you in advanced
by Sergio Arturo Ordonez Medina on 2016-09-13 07:54:28
Dear Seham,
The data structures (Waiting times and Stop-stop times) and routing network generated in the Events-Based Public Transport Router contribution are specialized in public transport. However, the idea of saving experienced times from iteration n to calculate routes for iteration n+1 could be applied to multi-modal networks, but it has to be implemented.
Sergio Ordonez