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Autonomous Vehicles Cooperating with a Traffic Light

by Mahmoud Faraj on 2016-09-02 20:56:41


I have a project that I would like to simulate and wondering if I can use MATSIM to do the simulation. Basically, I assume all the vehicles approaching a traffic light are autonomous and can cooperate with each other and with the traffic light to make optimal speed decisions so that the average idling time at the traffic light is minimized.

The application consists of a small road network (i.e., about three signalized intersections). I do have my own algorithms and game theory settings but do not know if I can apply this research problem on MATSIM.  Therefore, please if you could reply with any useful information in this regard.



Comments: 1

Re: Autonomous Vehicles Cooperating with a Traffic Light

by Michal Maciejewski on 2016-09-02 21:15:36

Hi Mahmoud,

Yes, you can simulate AVs in MATSim. However, MATSim uses a queue-based traffic flow model, so you cannot accurately (microscopically) model the behaviour of vehicles approaching or driving through intersections. For that, you need a microscopic simulator, such as SUMO. Please have a look a recent work by Peter Wagner (DLR) in SUMO: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-662-48847-8_15


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