faq 80642071 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki

avg. score plan NaN

by Rolando Armas on 2016-08-29 09:50:59

Hey, friends!

I have an issue trying to run matsim-0.8.0. I have my toy-network and initial plans.  Config file settings are


    <module name="network">

        <param name="inputNetworkFile" value="./examples/equil/network.xml" />



    <module name="plans">

        <param name="inputPlansFile" value="./examples/equil/plans100.xml" />



    <module name="controler">

        <param name="outputDirectory" value="./output/example5" />

        <param name="firstIteration" value="0" />

        <param name="lastIteration" value="10" />

        <param name="eventsFileFormat" value="xml" />




    <module name="qsim">

        <param name="snapshotperiod" value="00:01:00" />




    <module name="planCalcScore" >

        <param name="lateArrival" value="-18" />

        <param name="earlyDeparture" value="-0" />

        <param name="performing" value="+6" />

        <param name="traveling" value="-6" />

        <param name="waiting" value="-0" />


        <param name="activityType_0"            value="h" /> <!-- home -->

        <param name="activityTypicalDuration_0" value="12:00:00" />


        <param name="activityType_1"            value="w" /> <!-- work -->

        <param name="activityTypicalDuration_1" value="08:00:00" />

        <param name="activityOpeningTime_1"     value="07:00:00" />

        <param name="activityLatestStartTime_1" value="09:00:00" />

        <param name="activityClosingTime_1"     value="18:00:00" />



    <module name="strategy">

        <param name="maxAgentPlanMemorySize" value="5" /> <!-- 0 means unlimited -->


        <param name="ModuleProbability_1" value="0.9" />

        <param name="Module_1" value="ChangeExpBeta" />


        <param name="ModuleProbability_2" value="0.1" />

        <param name="Module_2" value="ReRoute" />


        <param name="ModuleProbability_3" value="0.1" />

        <param name="Module_3" value="TimeAllocationMutator" />



When I try to run my controler method:

String configfile="./input/config.xml";   
 Config config = ConfigUtils.createConfig();
 ConfigUtils.loadConfig(config, configfile);
         Scenario scenario = ScenarioUtils.createScenario(config);
         Controler controler = new Controler(scenario);
                 true ?
                         OutputDirectoryHierarchy.OverwriteFileSetting.overwriteExistingFiles :
                         OutputDirectoryHierarchy.OverwriteFileSetting.failIfDirectoryExists );

I get the next output:

 INFO LegTimesControlerListener:50 [0] average trip (probably: leg) duration is: 0 seconds = 00:00:00
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,497  INFO ControlerListenerManagerImpl:248 calling notifyAfterMobsim on null
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,497  INFO ControlerListenerManagerImpl:251 [it.0] all ControlerAfterMobsimListeners called.
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,497  INFO AbstractController$4:163 ### ITERATION 0 fires scoring event
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,497  INFO ControlerListenerManagerImpl:183 calling notifyScoring on org.matsim.core.scoring.PlansScoringImpl
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,498  INFO NewScoreAssignerImpl:36 it: 0 msaStart: null
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,499  INFO ControlerListenerManagerImpl:194 [it.0] all ControlerScoringListeners called.
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,499  INFO AbstractController$5:171 ### ITERATION 0 fires iteration end event
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,499  INFO ControlerListenerManagerImpl:160 calling notifyIterationEnds on org.matsim.core.controler.corelisteners.EventsHandlingImpl
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,500  INFO EventsManagerImpl:161 removing Event-Handler: org.matsim.core.events.algorithms.EventWriterXML
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,500  INFO EventsManagerImpl:161 removing Event-Handler: org.matsim.core.events.algorithms.EventWriterXML
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,500  INFO ControlerListenerManagerImpl:160 calling notifyIterationEnds on org.matsim.core.scoring.PlansScoringImpl
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,500  INFO ControlerListenerManagerImpl:167 calling notifyIterationEnds on org.matsim.counts.CountsControlerListener
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,500  INFO ControlerListenerManagerImpl:167 calling notifyIterationEnds on org.matsim.analysis.ScoreStatsControlerListener
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,500  INFO ScoreStatsControlerListener:185 -- avg. score of the executed plan of each agent: NaN
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,501  INFO ScoreStatsControlerListener:186 -- avg. score of the worst plan of each agent: NaN
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,501  INFO ScoreStatsControlerListener:187 -- avg. of the avg. plan score per agent: NaN
 2016-08-29 18:42:07,501  INFO ScoreStatsControlerListener:188 -- avg. score of the best plan of each agent: NaN

Apparently the initial plans are not properly configured. However the same configuration run fine in matsim-0.6.0.!

Anybody knows what is happened?



Comments: 1

Re: avg. score plan NaN

by Kai Nagel on 2016-08-30 19:30:36

Oh, I see.  It has to be loadScenario, not createScenario.  The latter just creates an empty scenario based on the config, but makes no effort to load it.  So you are running an empty simulation.  (Should that be an error?  Maybe, but for many tasks being able to run empty scenarios is rather convenient.)

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