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Creating the Network XML from an ArcGIS format (Network Dataset)

by Abdullah Binthunaiya on 2016-07-23 10:32:22


I am new to MATSim and I know I need to feed MATSim with an XML file containing the network. If I have the network dataset available in ArcGIS format ( a famous Geographic Information System software package) what is the best way to create the network XML required for MATSim directly from the one already exist as a network dataset in ArcGIS....That is, is there a way to read the network dataset from ArcGIS and convert it into the proper format for MATSim?


Comments: 2

Re: Creating the Network XML from an ArcGIS format (Network Dataset)

by Kai Nagel on 2016-07-23 12:18:24

I am afraid there isn't, at least not in core matsim.

If you know how to program in Java, you might be able to piece it together using approaches from the RunNetworkEmme2MatsimExample class (which imports, albeit from a different format) plus the classes in org.matsim.utils.gis.matsim2esri.network (which use the arcgis format, albeit for export and not for import). 

Somehow I would assume that someone has already programmed this somewhere, maybe she or he will chip in.

Another option might be to import argcis to josm, and export to matsim using the matsim plugin.  See http://matsim.org/extensions → josm-plugin for more info.

I haven't tried any of this myself so I cannot say what works and what doesn't, and how much effort this is.

Re: Creating the Network XML from an ArcGIS format (Network Dataset)

by GregoryM on 2016-07-23 15:41:25

I asked this question a couple of years ago, and wrote some "slow" python code that can get it done, but there are some difficulties with it as well.



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