faq 72744968 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki
by Yousef Hindy on 2016-07-07 04:06:17
When I run my simulation, I am getting
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Events in the queue are not ordered chronologically. This should never happen. Is the SimTimeStepParallelEventsManager registered as a MobsimAfterSimStepListener?
at org.matsim.core.events.SimStepParallelEventsManagerImpl$ProcessEventsRunnable.run(SimStepParallelEventsManagerImpl.java:279)
When I go to SimStepParallelEventsManagerImpl.java:279, it says
"Is the SimTimeStepParallelEventsManager registered as a MobsimAfterSimStepListener?"
How do I check if it is registered? If it isn't, how do I register it?
by Kai Nagel on 2016-07-14 17:26:55
Impossible to say without looking at the log file and probably the code, sorry.
In my own experience, that error message is more often than not just a consequence of some other problem.