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How to calculate skims (zone-to-zone travel time or travel cost matrix)?

by Kai Nagel on 2016-07-04 19:14:00

Comments: 2

Re: How to calculate skims (zone-to-zone travel time or travel cost matrix)?

by Kai Nagel on 2016-07-04 19:14:15

(kn proxying for Rolf Moeckel)

  • We need to calculate the travel time skim (travel times between all ~5,000 zones). We know how to send single trips between zone pairs and extract the travel time, but that seems cumbersome for 5000x5000 zones. Is there an easier way to calculate a skim matrix with MATSim?

Re: How to calculate skims (zone-to-zone travel time or travel cost matrix)?

by Kai Nagel on 2016-07-04 19:18:45

There is LeastCostPathTree.  One example how to apply this is under {{Zone2ZoneTravelTimeListener}} in at https://github.com/moeckel/silo/blob/siloMatsim/silo/src/main/java/edu/umd/ncsg/transportModel/Zone2ZoneTravelTimeListener.java .  This is unfortunately still in the "siloMatsim" branch; needs to be merged.

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