faq 45121563 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki

Initial place of ech vehicle daily trip

by allan on 2016-02-10 08:28:57

Why when I specify in my population file where each vehicle starts its day at time = zero. However, when I check the event file the vehicles doesn't start at the same location at the same time..
for instance, all my vehicle starts at nodes at time zero. however, in the event file it shows that at time zero instead of having 100 vehicles I have lets assume 50 vehicle. and then the time increments.

Also some vehicles are found at links not at nodes. How can I ensure that all my vehicles start their trip at the same time which is time = to zero.

 SO when I sum the number of vehicles at time zero of the event file  it should equal = total number of vehicles I have, but this is not in my case.


I need to track each vehicle location at each point in time for my next analysis, where I will need to know the total number of vehicle at each intersection and link at any specific time.


Thank you


Comments: 1

Re: Initial place of ech vehicle daily trip

by Kai Nagel on 2016-02-10 18:50:33

(answer by Marcel Rieser proxied by kai)

Dear Deema,

for instance, all my vehicle starts at nodes at time zero
In MATSim, activities take place on links, and thus vehicle start and end their trips at links as well.
however, in the event file it shows that at time zero instead of having 100 vehicles I have lets assume 50 vehicle. and then the time increments.
which events did you count?
What might be, with a lot of guessing going on: You have 100 vehicles that should start at time 0, but according to the events, you only see 50 events departing at time 0, and the other vehicles later. Most likely this is due to congestion: When starting their trip, the vehicles need to enter the link (“the road”) first. If there were other vehicles just in front of them starting at the same place, they might not be able to do so immediately but have to wait first until the earlier vehicles pass the next intersection and thus make place on the link for new vehicles.
why also they event file indicates there are some vehicles at links where I stated they starts at nodes and zero at links.
Unless I’ve missed some recent development in MATSim, I don’t think this is possible. How/Where did you specify they should start at nodes?
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