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I was wondering whether the calculated individual scores are also saved some where or I should calculate them myself.
by Kai Nagel on 2016-01-19 07:57:51
(proxied by kai)
Dear all,
I have a question about the individual agents' scores. in the out put folder we have a file including the average score statistics. I was wondering whether the calculated individual scores are also saved some where or I should calculate them myself. Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Zahra Navidikashani
Re: I was wondering whether the calculated individual scores are also saved some where or I should calculate them myself.
by Kai Nagel on 2016-01-19 08:13:33
Dear Zahra,
You can enable "writeExperiencedPlans" in the "planCalcScore" section in the config. If I read the code correctly, this should give you two things (in those iteration directories where also plans are written out):
- "experienced_plans", telling you what each agent actually did.
- "_scores", telling you "partial scores", every time an activity or a leg was finished.
Let us know how it goes (e.g. mark this answer as accepted if it works); there are others who know this better.