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Simulation stops, but does not shut-down (starvation)

by Kai Nagel on 2015-06-15 12:09:54

Proxying for Dema Allen <[email protected]>:

Dear All,

   I have an inquiry, I’ve been running a very big network consist of 1072120 vehicles, However, whenever it reaches 1048576 vehicle it stops and it doesn’t terminate the running properly. As in the attached picture. And just to ensure a full run I kept it all night on but it didn’t move forward. My questions are:


1-      How can we track the simulations in eclipse and check if it stopped or not?

2-       Why it didn’t continue for the remaining 23,544 vehicles and generate the events file? It didn’t generate the event files.


I have attached my log file.


Thank you very much!

Comments: 1

Re: Simulation stops, but does not shut-down (starvation)

by Sashi Gurram on 2015-06-15 12:29:27

Dear Deema,

I think you are probably running out of memory in your case. This happened to me on a computer with 8 cores and 24 GB ram. I was trying to run about 9 million trips made by 2.1 million individuals and the program would shutdown after just one iteration. However, since I do not have an extensive experience with MATSim, I could be wrong and there may be some other reason for the run failure in your situation. Please wait for others to respond to see if there is any other problem.
In case you are running out of memory, you could try to employ one or more of the following
  • Scale down your run by using a sample of the population.
  • Increase your computing power by going for a machine with a higher configuration (in terms of memory) or a cluster.
  • Reduce your network size (I do not know how effective this might be). If you want to reduce your network size, you could try a tool named "Simplify Line" in ESRI's ArcGIS program (for this, I am assuming that you have the network in a shapefile format).
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