faq 295665671 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki
by Jishnu Narayan on 2018-06-27 10:14:05
Hello all,
I want to compute the average waiting time for all agents using pt. I suppose this is not straightforward result and is not included in the default results. Hence I'm working on extracting it from the events file. So far I am not able to find an activity in the events file which could correspond to an agent reaching a stop and departing from that stop. I would deeply appreciate some help with this. If anyone have already done this, could you please share it? Or some insights into how it could be done.
Thank you!
by Davi Bicudo on 2018-06-27 10:25:07
You may try the TravelSummary contrib. It calculates the PT waiting times from your events and outputs to a txt file.
by Pradeep Burla on 2018-06-27 10:25:53
You can extract the waiting time for every agent by subtracting the event time(PersonEntersVehicle) - event time(WaitingForPt) .
<event time="49217.0" type="arrival" person="xyz" link="123" legMode="transit_walk" />
<event time="49217.0" type="actstart" person="xyz" link="123" actType="pt interaction" />
<event time="49217.0" type="actend" person="xyz" link="123" actType="pt interaction" />
<event time="49217.0" type="departure" person="xyz" link="123" legMode="pt" />
<event time="49217.0" type="waitingForPt" agent="xyz" atStop="321.link:123" destinationStop="502.link:77152075" />
<event time="49238.0" type="PersonEntersVehicle" person="xyz" vehicle="Veh_33_Bus" />
by Jishnu Narayan on 2018-06-27 10:36:05
Dear Davi and Pradeep,
Thanks for the help!