faq 279707662 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki
by cui yi on 2018-05-19 05:07:41
Dear Professor:
Recently, I use MATSim to calculate the car emissions. In the next step, a transportation policy of roadpricing wanted to be made to internalization the externality of traffic air pollution. I have created the roadpricing.xml file. Are all the required data ready? I wonder if there is a complete example?
Thank you!
by Amit Agarwal on 2018-05-21 18:25:50
Dear Cui Yi,
(a) We use HBEFA database to calculate detailed emissions which is not open-source. The steps to export the data from the HBEFA database are also provided. Please refer to the following link for detailed information about the calculation of emissions with examples.
It appears that you have already calculated emissions.
(b) The steps for the internalization are not so-well documented. The emissions from item a) are converted to toll values using emission cost factors. Refer to https://svn.vsp.tu-berlin.de/repos/public-svn/publications/vspwp/2013/13-18/ for complete details.
Bind EmissionCostModule and InternalizeEmissionsControlerListener to controler. The former converts emissions to monetary units and the latter internalize the emission costs.
You can either include the emission costs to the router for which one can write travel disutility and bind it to controler, e.g. EmissionTravelDisutilityCalculator, however this is computationally expensive. On the other hand, one can also use randomized router and include emission costs only in the scoring. These example are available at https://github.com/matsim-vsp/vsp-playgrounds.
You can also convert the emission tolls to a road-pricing scheme (see the example in RoadPricing contrib).
Hope this is helpful. Let us know if you have any other detailed question.