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Running signals extension from command line

by Fabio Ghielmetti on 2018-04-11 08:33:09

Dear all,

We are currently experimenting with the MATSim standalone version. We would now like to add traffic signals using the signals extension.

For extensions in general a command like this should work:

java -Xmx2000m -cp matsim-0.9.0.jar;signals-0.9.0/signals-0.9.0.jar xyz path\config.xml

where xyz has to be replaced by the class name containing the main method. Could anyone tell me the name of the required class?

The only thing that works so far is calling the tutorials (e.g. tutorial.fixedTimeSignals.RunSignalSystemsExample), but then not my own config (and network/population) is taken.



Comments: 2

Re: Running signals extension from command line

by Theresa Thunig on 2018-04-12 15:03:46

Dear Fabio,

in matsim-0.9 there is no class that you can start to run your own config with signals. But thank you for the question! I created one: RunSignalSystemExample

It will be in tomorrow’s Nightly Build and will also be included in matsim-0.10.1 which will be released this summer.

Let me know, when you have any problems with this.

Re: Running signals extension from command line

by Fabio Ghielmetti on 2018-04-12 16:10:34


Thank you very much, that sounds great! I will try it out tomorrow.



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