faq 261128193 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki
by Ramo on 2018-04-08 17:26:40
We're trying to use matsim for a scientific project and we found interesting values for the parameters of the car and public transport functions (in Integrated agent-based transport simulation and air pollution modelling in urban areas written by Friederike Hülsmann).
Nonetheless, there are no information on the scoring function of walk, and in particular about the parameters which link distance and time to utility. It is one of the elements that prevent us from finding the right modal split in Rouen (France).
Does anyone know which values can be given to those parameters?
Moreover, we were wondering whether the transit_walk was recorded in the proportions of walk in modestats.
Thanks a lot :-)
by Kai Nagel on 2018-08-05 13:49:05
(1) I would suggest to start from Chap. 3.4 in https://matsim.org/docs/userguide/ . At some point, we will have to collect different experiences with calibration, but we ain't there yet, sorry.
(2) modestats is computed here: https://github.com/matsim-org/matsim/blob/master/matsim/src/main/java/org/matsim/analysis/ModeStatsControlerListener.java. This states that it uses the {{MainModeIdentifier}}. That comes from {{TripRouter}}, i.e. it is the thing that decides about the routing mode during matsim replanning. Since transit_walk should be routed as pt, it will be counted as pt trip.
There are discussions about this elsewhere. One alternative would be to analyse this yourself. I just wrote something here: https://github.com/matsim-org/matsim-code-examples/blob/0.10.x/src/main/java/tutorial/analysis/RunModeChoiceAnalysisExample.java . This uses a different main mode analyser. If you don't like that one, replace it by your own.