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Can roadpricing extension run in multimodal network?

by Jinkai Zhou on 2018-03-27 18:06:37

In a cordon pricing network, only agents that enter the cordon by car gets charged or everyone that enter the cordon no matter by what mode gets charged?

Comments: 2

Re: Can roadpricing extension run in multimodal network?

by Johan W. Joubert on 2018-03-27 18:36:07

Hi Jinkai, briefly looking at the code the org.matsim.roadpricing.TollRouterBehaviour implementations only require the link Id and the time to calculate the toll. So, no, it is (currently) not mode-specific. The TravelDisutility associated with the toll is currently also mode-insensitive.

Re: Can roadpricing extension run in multimodal network?

by Kai Nagel on 2018-04-10 07:48:43

The RunRoadPricingUsingTollFactorExample class (in the roadpricing contrib) shows how to base toll on person ID and vehicle ID. So if you can somehow figure out the mode from one of them, you are there. And one could indeed argue that mode should be anchored at the vehicle type, so something like


to get the vehicle type, and then base the toll on that.

This may be easiest with so-called mode vehicles, maybe see https://matsim.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MATPUB/pages/84246576/Mixed+traffic .

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