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Capability of MatSIM to simulate multi-modal behaviour

by soumen chak on 2018-02-03 14:55:40

Hi MatSIM friends,

I met with Professor Kai here in Uni of Sydney. I sent him an email regarding my requests and interest to use MatSIM in my research project. Still waiting for his reply. By this time, if anyone can assist me here, I would highly appreciate that.

I would like to explore the capability of MatSIM to simulate the multimodal travel behaviour activities. I would highly appreciate if you could please let me know some examples which I can explore to understand the capability. I would also appreciate if you could please forward me some tutorials, training materials or related research papers on MatSIM.

Thanks in advance and much appreciate that.

Regards Soumen

Comments: 2

Re: Capability of MatSIM to simulate multi-modal behaviour

by Kai Nagel on 2018-02-03 23:45:42

One answer might be to have a look at the matsim user guide http://matsim.org/docs/userguide/ and there at sections 4.6 and 11.1 . That would refer to version 0.9.x of MATSim; I will update the user guide in spring/summer 2018 to version 0.10.x together with the teaching of our MATSim class.

Our work on autonomous vehicles is best documented by publications; see the work of Maciejewski and Bischoff http://www.vsp.tu-berlin.de/publications/vspwp . The group of Kay Axhausen has also done research in this direction, see http://www.ivt.ethz.ch/institut/vpl/publikationen/papers.html . If you are specifically interested in AV simulations, I would recommend to ask that question more specifically, and people might point you to resources.

Re: Capability of MatSIM to simulate multi-modal behaviour

by soumen chak on 2018-02-16 08:06:33

Dear Professor Kai....Do you have any plan to run MATSim training in 2018...I saw there is a User group meeting in June...but I believe this is not for training.....Much appreciate your reply. Kind regards Soumen

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