faq 164986888 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki
by Lichen Luo on 2018-02-02 08:46:04
Dear all MATSimians,
I just notice that there are four optimizers in taxi module, namely, fifo, rules(default), zonal and assignment, could anyone introduce me some academic papers about these different kind of taxi optimizers? so that it would be more efficient to firstly get a intuition before reading the codes for me.
Thank you very much!
LUO Lichen
by Michal Maciejewski on 2018-02-02 09:12:12
Hi Luo,
There is no paper comparing all of them. The best performing are the rule-based and assignment and they are compared here:
M. Maciejewski; J. Bischoff, & K. Nagel; An Assignment-Based Approach to Efficient Real-Time City-Scale Taxi Dispatching, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2016, 31, 68-77
There is also a comparison of the rule-based and FIFO (however, under different names at that time):
M. Maciejewski, K. Nagel; Simulation and optimization of taxi services in MATSim
The latter two were also compared against offline optimisation (solved with gurobi):
M. Maciejewski; Benchmarking minimum passenger waiting time in online taxi dispatching with exact offline optimization methods; Archives of Transport
These and other papers in this area are available here: http://www.vsp.tu-berlin.de/menue/research/publications/vspwp/