faq 159121423 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki
by Lichen Luo on 2018-01-25 12:35:26
Dear all,
Could anyone give me a brief explain about the SeepageQ and seepage mode in Qsim settings? Especially I notice that the default seep mode is bike, I just wonder what is the idea behind it.
Thank you!
Luo Lichen
by Amit Agarwal on 2018-01-25 13:02:20
Dear Lichen Luo,
SeepageQ is a link dynamics in which vehicles with higher manoeuvrability come to the front of the vehicles (see vspwp 15-01 and 15-09 at https://www.vsp.tu-berlin.de/publications/vspwp/ for details). We assumed that bike (=bicycle) is more likely to perform seepage than other modes (e.g. motorbike). However, one can set other mode(s) in QSimConfigGroup.
Hope this helps.