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Extract Transit Route Flows Automatically / Scripting Via

by Jacqueline Aspäck on 2017-11-22 15:52:42


We would like to create transit analysis automatically.

Does there already exist an analysis tool in MATSim to extract route flows automatically?

Alternatively we would like to use the script editor in Via with via.createAnalysis(String arg0, Map arg1). Can you tell us what has to be entered for "Map arg1"?

looking forward to your answers :)


Comments: 1

Re: Extract Transit Route Flows Automatically / Scripting Via

by Marcel Rieser on 2017-11-22 20:37:56

Via currently does not support scripting the creation of the route-flow analysis, so there is currently no way to automate this.

To my knowledge, there is no implementation of a comparable analysis outside of Via currently for MATSim.

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