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About stationbased shared AV in DRT contrib

by Biyu Wang on 2017-10-23 06:55:37


I am working on DRT contrib with stationbased shared taxi. I already set the parameter

OperationalScheme to "stationbased" and input stop facilities. If I understand correctly, the pick up and drop off behavior can only happen in dedicated stops in station-based operational scheme. However it seems that there is no difference between "door2door" and "stationbased". The AV can still stop in front of the door of passengers and the passenger will not walk to stops to be picked up. Could you probably explain what is the difference between "door2door" and "stationbased"? Have you already implemented the walk to stops behavior?

 Thank you!


Comments: 2

Re: About stationbased shared AV in DRT contrib

by Joschka Bischoff on 2017-10-23 07:01:38

Hi Byu,

if you set the mode to stationbase, you must also specify a file with the stops. This file needs to be in the MATSim Transit schedule file format (however, you may only need to specify stops in there, no need for TransitRoutes or TransitLines). Once you have set both in the config file, agents start using stops rather than a door2door transport.

Best wishes,


Re: About stationbased shared AV in DRT contrib

by Biyu Wang on 2017-10-23 07:13:58

Hello Joschka

Thank you for reply.

Actually I specify a file with stops in transit schedule file format. All stops are successfully inputted in the system but I still found the calcRoute function in StopBasedDrtRoutingModule is unused. I run 1 test iteration and check the event. I find that the car still pick up passenger at the origin link, instead of the nearest stop. I do not find the walk to stop behaviour either. May I ask where the calcRoute function is called?



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