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viewing simulation result on via

by Alemu Tadesse on 2017-09-05 22:56:29

the simulation shutdown with out any kind of error but when i try to view the output using via all i can see is just the network, after i loaded the data the timeline under the visualization area doesn't change and i can not see any kind of movement . i started the time but nothing is visible on the map. the output file '0.events.xml.gz' is just 214 bytes.

Comments: 2

Re: viewing simulation result on via

by Alemu Tadesse on 2017-09-05 23:01:15

i have attached the screenshot

Re: viewing simulation result on via

by Marcel Rieser on 2017-09-06 05:43:06

If the output file `0.events.xml.gz` is indeed only 214 bytes, it is essentially empty. And without events, Via can't show anything.

The problem must be with the simulation in that case. In MATSim's log file, try to figure out if any agents were simulated at all or if there was some other warning or error message.

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