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How to restart a simulation

by Denis Metrailler on 2017-07-10 08:48:21

Hi MATSim community,

Do you have any practices to restart a simulation. Let say I want to simualte 100 iterations of a large scenario and the simulation stopped (for a purely technical reason, such as a server shutdown) at iteration 81. By chance I dumped out the plans every 20th iterations.

How can I easily restart my simulation at the last dumped plans (iteration 80). I would also like that the files like traveldistancestats.txt and scorestats.txt are are not rewritten but that the new values are appended to it.

Thanks for your precisous help


Comments: 1

Re: How to restart a simulation

by Amit Agarwal on 2017-07-10 11:44:14

Dear Denis,

You can start the new simulation by using 80.plans.xml.gz file as input plans and setting the first iteration as 80. In addition to this, you may have to adjust the replanning strategies (iterations to disable the innovation).

This will write new output files (scorestats.txt ...), starting with iteration 80. I am not aware of a method to append the statistics to already existing file (other people may answer that).

If something is averaged over previous iterations, results could be different. To check, you can start your run with 60.plans.xml.gz and then compare the results.



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