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How to use within-day replanning?

by Xinnan Cheng on 2017-07-10 03:12:00

I am an inexperienced undergraduate researcher. So, forgive me if my question seems silly.

I am doing research on dynamic ride-sharing (e.g. Uber, Lyft) simulation. I think I need to use within-day replanning and I hope to customize the agent behavior. I have read parts of the MATSim book (including the first couple chapters and the chapter 30) and some related papers. However, it does not appear to me that any of the resources include details about how to use within-day replanning.

I hope to find a step-by-step guide for using within-day replanning, or any other useful resources. I do not know what code, if any, should I modify. I am not sure how should I write the config file. 

Thank you.

Comments: 1

Re: How to use within-day replanning?

by Michal Maciejewski on 2017-07-10 08:57:30


There is a MATSim extension - DRT (demand responsive transport), which can be used for the purpose you mentioned. Please have a look at this question: . Moreover, there is an example: https://github.com/matsim-org/matsim/blob/master/contribs/drt/src/main/java/org/matsim/contrib/drt/run/RunDrtExample.java that shows how to use it.

Hope that helps,

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