faq 110476643 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki
by Jinkai Zhou on 2017-07-06 19:40:51
I'm currently working on using Matsim to simulate the behavior of a population in New York City when having to transfer between two lines of buses. I have two lines of buses, one going from north to south and vice versa, another west to east vice versa. The two lines have a cross point in the center. But they don't share the same transfer stop. The passenger need to walk a short distance (like 100 meters) to transfer between the two lines. I created a population file with about 200 agents. All agents' have a single trip from home to work from north to west. I set it that the home is right on the bus stop in the bus line in north and work is on the bus stop in the west. I set the utility of taking bus really high and all other modes low. Theoretically one would take the bus, however, all agents prefer walking instead. Do you know what else we could do?
In another scenario, we routed the 200 agents on only one PT line from north to south. We were able to get people to take PT. So how to make it work when we want agents to transfer between the two lines?
by Kai Nagel on 2017-09-02 10:56:10
There is a beelineWalkConnectionDistance
in TransitRouterConfig
, but this configuration file is not an official "config group" and thus not accessible in the normal way. There, the default distance is set to 100m.
I cannot say if there is a reason why this is not easily configurable; maybe the reasons are just historic (do not expose all internal parameters to the users before we are sure of the stable design).
has an example how this can be set from the outside. If you use this, please test even more diligently than usual, and do not rely on this API.