faq 109746030 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki

Is there an agent limit ?

by Ryan Johnston on 2017-05-31 16:09:30

Currently trying to simulate over 2 million trips across a country scale road network, results in congestion on every road. Not all trips occur at the same time, they are spread out through one day. Is there an agent limit or a better way to optimize the trip data for Matsim ? 

Comments: 1

Re: Is there an agent limit ?

by Marcel Rieser on 2017-05-31 21:08:48

We have successfully run simulations with 20 million agents and more, each agent having multiple trips. It takes a lot or RAM and some time, but MATSim is definitely able to simulate such scenarios. If you have far spread congestion, something else must be wrong, but it's hard to tell without further information.

When does the congestion build, at what time? Where does it start? At one location and then spreading over all the network, or a several locations independently? Does the congestion start mostly close to links where trips start and end? Are the trip start and end locations distributed (more or less) evenly across the network, or are there "hotspots"?

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