faq 109667379 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki
by Florian Zenoni on 2017-05-26 14:37:44
Dear experts,
I generated a population plans of the following format:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE plans SYSTEM "http://www.matsim.org/files/dtd/plans_v4.dtd">
<person id="1">
<act type="home" x="150096.71711761" y="168023.202329209" end_time="07:40:42"/>
<leg mode="car"/>
<act type="work" x="153266.24731734" y="175688.132264534" dur="09:00:00"/>
<leg mode="car"/>
<act type="home" x="150096.71711761" y="168023.202329209"/>
<person id="2">
<act type="home" x="150539.08223988" y="168196.571310165" end_time="08:12:17"/>
<leg mode="car"/>
<act type="work" x="153266.24731734" y="175688.132264534" dur="09:00:00"/>
<leg mode="car"/>
<act type="home" x="150539.08223988" y="168196.571310165"/>
Still, when running the simulation with the parking extension I get the following warning:
2017-05-26 16:36:13,606 WARN CharyparNagelActivityScoring:252 The first and the last activity do not have the same type.
2017-05-26 16:36:13,606 WARN CharyparNagelActivityScoring:253 Will score the first activity from midnight to its end, and the last activity from its start to midnight.
2017-05-26 16:36:13,606 WARN CharyparNagelActivityScoring:254 Because of the nonlinear function, this is not the same as scoring from start to end.
2017-05-26 16:36:13,606 WARN CharyparNagelActivityScoring:255 first activity: [type=home][coord=null][linkId=115209][startTime=undefined][endTime=07:40:42][duration=undefined][facilityId=null]
2017-05-26 16:36:13,607 WARN CharyparNagelActivityScoring:256 last activity: [type=work][coord=null][linkId=872][startTime=07:56:11][endTime=undefined][duration=undefined][facilityId=null]
2017-05-26 16:36:13,607 WARN CharyparNagelActivityScoring:257 This may also happen when plans are not completed when the simulation ends.
2017-05-26 16:36:13,607 WARN CharyparNagelActivityScoring:259 Additional warnings of this type are suppressed.
Indeed agents go to work and never get back home. What am I doing wrong? Am I not allowed to use attribute "dur"?