faq 109101120 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki
by Sashi Gurram on 2017-04-26 17:39:28
The mixed traffic scenario has an example vehicles.xml file. This file has the length and width attributes for each vehicle type. But, I am just wondering if this information is needed or if it is simply redundant given that the vehicle types also indicate the pce values. Would it be ok if I were to just indicate the length and width for car and just use pce values for the rest of the modes?
<vehicleType id="car">
<length meter="7.5"/>
<width meter="1.0"/>
<maximumVelocity meterPerSecond="16.67"/>
<accessTime secondsPerPerson="1.0"/>
<egressTime secondsPerPerson="1.0"/>
<doorOperation mode="serial"/>
<passengerCarEquivalents pce="1.0"/>
<vehicleType id="bicycle">
<length meter="7.5"/>
<width meter="1.0"/>
<maximumVelocity meterPerSecond="4.17"/>
<accessTime secondsPerPerson="1.0"/>
<egressTime secondsPerPerson="1.0"/>
<doorOperation mode="serial"/>
<passengerCarEquivalents pce="0.25"/>
by Kai Nagel on 2017-04-27 16:15:42
I don't think it is using vehicle length and width anywhere. Would have to look into the code to really make sure. The vehicle model came from people with experience in data modelling, and so also contains entries that were not needed right away, but considered helpful in the long run.