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How are intersections modeled in MATSim?

by Celeste Manu on 2017-04-25 15:08:05

How are intersections modeled in MATSim or where can I find details on their behavior?

Comments: 1

Re: How are intersections modeled in MATSim?

by Marcel Rieser on 2017-04-25 20:29:21

Have a look at the MATSim Book (www.matsim.org/the-book). Chapter 1.3 explains MATSim's Traffic Flow Model, containing a description of the different queues involved when vehicles travel along a link and over intersections. Chapter 50.3 (Node Model, Queueing Representation of Kinematic Waves) contains more information, including the Javadoc-description of the main method handling nodes.

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