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Problems with Mixed Traffic

by Renan Grace on 2017-04-17 00:53:51

Hi all,

I am trying to create a mixed traffic scenario and have followed the instructions at this page:


I am using my own scenario run, but it is essentially the same except it uses car,truck instead of car,bicycle. Note my example also has a few other things going on including transit and subpopulations.

I have checked my inputs against the equil-mixedTraffic example inputs, and mine appear to be the same. Note, I have also needed to add the travel time and disutility bindings in Java crossed out at the bottom of the above-linked tutorial (I am working in MATSim v0.8.1).

I am getting the following error:

"Expecting a vehicle id which is missing in the vehicles database: 0"

or, if I set "usePersonIdForMissingVehicleId" in the qsim module to false (as suggested in Section 11.1 of the MATSim book, but not in the above-linked tutorial or the equil example config file), I get this error:

"Found a network route without a vehicle id."

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Comments: 1

Re: Problems with Mixed Traffic

by Amit Agarwal on 2017-04-24 15:45:14

Dear Renan,

Thanks for reporting this.

The steps on the page  are meant for the releases after 0.8.1 (This is informed on the  page now). 

For v0.8.1, the following error: "Expecting a vehicle id which is missing in the vehicles database: 0" indicates that the vehicle ids are missing from the vehicles file. Please create a vehicle (of vehicle type car/truck/bicycle) for every person and add to the vehicles file and use "fromVehiclesData" vehicle source in QSimConfigGroup. In addition to this, travel time and dis-utility bindings are also required (as you are already doing this). 

Let me know if this works for you.



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