faq 108529377 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki
by Rolando Armas on 2017-03-20 06:21:18
Hi Matsim friends.
I am running scenarios where we simulated the movement in public transportation testing several capacities and frequencies for a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) simulation. I am using the TripAnalyzer extension to measure the trip duration as a quality measure of the scenario. I have a question regarding "stuck pt users":
Does the trip duration take into account those users? According to my understanding the travel trip considers PersonArrival and PersonDeparture events, but in the case of "stuck users" we have only a departure event, for example:
<event time="65155.0" type="departure" person="1701141418" link="7224" legMode="pt"/>
<event time="65155.0" type="waitingForPt" agent="1701141418" atStop="Alb8.link:7224" destinationStop="Alb14.link:1406"/>
<event time="108000.0" type="stuckAndAbort" link="7224" legMode="pt" person="1701141418"/>
Those users do not have any arrival event, for that reason I think that users are not considered for computing the average trip duration. Is that so? Please, if you can help me clarifying that.
by Kai Nagel on 2017-03-20 08:59:48
Dear Rolando,
I always recommend to write your own analysis.
Best wishes Kai