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Passenger distance [pkm]

by Wolfgang Schieder on 2017-02-20 14:58:04

I'm trying to decide whether MATSim is the right choice for modeling multimodal traffic choices of agents in urban quarters. Desired output is the modal split expressed by passenger distance [pkm] based on agents' choices in a given network (and thereafter with measures).

Does MATSim log passenger distance [pkm] per mode (e.g. car, truck, bike, bus, walk) by default? To which output file?

Comments: 1

Re: Passenger distance [pkm]

by Dominik Ziemke on 2017-02-20 15:49:14

For all output files that MATSim generates by default, please see Chapter 2.2.3. in the MATSim book (http://matsim.org/the-book).

Amongst others, MATSim generates by default

  • a file called  traveldistancestats.txt  that logs passenger distance (in meters) per iteration and 
  • a file called legHistogram.txt that logs numbers of travellers that start trips, end trips, or currently are en route by time bin and by mode.

In a similar way, you can also log distances by modes separately, but might need to write a short Java class that do this based on events (everything that happens in the simulation is logged as an event).

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