faq 107777773 - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki
by Marco Bohmbach on 2017-02-09 11:25:52
Hey Community,
so my network and plans are working. I decided to play around making an av car fleet, which is allowed to free float around. I started to learn how to implement contribs with carsharing. But now i struggle how to make dvrp and av work with each other.
Maybe someone feels free and has time to introduce me in a skype session (german or english) how this scenario could work?
thanks in advance marco
by Joschka Bischoff on 2017-02-09 11:34:45
Hi Marco,
how do you use MATSim so far? As a checkout of the example project from Git (as described in the 2016 tutorial). In that case, all you need to do to include the AV contrib is editing the pom.xml file:
1) Switch the version to 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT
2) add the following dependency:
Within the av.jar (under Maven examples), you will find both a RunRobotaxiExample class and a robotaxi resource folder containing all neccesary input files. Copy them to your project for an easy modification and you should get it running.
Hope that works.
by Joschka Bischoff on 2017-02-15 08:00:25
the Robotaxi example uses large fleets of SAVs, but no pooling (so technically, like a taxi trip, just that the algorithms set in the config file are capable of handling large fleets rather easily).
If you are interested in SharedTrips, have a look in the taxi contrib (if you installed the AV contrib, the taxi contrib is automatically also there). Here you will find two examples in org.matsim.contrib.drt.taxibus.run.examples:
RunSharedTaxiExample (max. 2 passengers per trip, many to many, no prebookings)
RunTaxibusExample (max. 8 passengers, many to one in the example, but other relations are also possible, prebookings)
Both are a possible starting point for further explorations that mainly depend on your use case.