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Switching on the 'destinationknown' parameter in RunRobotaxiExample.java

by Jishnu Narayan on 2017-01-16 14:27:33

I am running the RunRoboTaxiExample.java from the 'av' contribution module. In the configuration file there are various switching parameters to alter the operating strategy of the taxis. In what way does the dispatching strategy/assignment of taxis change if <param name="destinationKnown"  is turned to value="true" />. How does the vehicle dispatching change if the destination is known to the optimizer beforehand? And also how does the timeProfiles parameter (<param name="timeProfiles" value="true" />) change the dispatching?

Comments: 1

Re: Switching on the 'destinationknown' parameter in RunRobotaxiExample.java

by Michal Maciejewski on 2017-01-16 21:35:28

Please have a look into the org.matsim.contrib.taxi.run.TaxiConfigGroup class, or to the output config file generated by matsim (when parsing input config). There you will find a short description for each of the parameters.

If "destinationKnown" is false, the drop-off location remains unknown to the optimizer and scheduler until the end of pickup). This is usually the case, thus "false" the default value for this parameter. However, we tested the opposite (i.e. destinationKnown=true) to some extent in the following two papers: M. Maciejewski, K. Nagel; The influence of multi-agent cooperation on the efficiency of taxi dispatching and M. Maciejewski; Benchmarking minimum passenger waiting time in online taxi dispatching with exact offline optimization methods (you will find them here: http://www.vsp.tu-berlin.de/publications/vspwp/). In general, it does not change much in the classic taxi service. However, knowing a priori the destination may be critical for dispatching electric taxis (due to the limited range), or desired if one wants to proactively relocate empty vehicles towards near-future demand.

timeProfiles == true, time profiles of vehicle statuses (i.e. current task type) and the number of unplanned requests are written to a text file (taxi_status_time_profiles) and saved as plots.

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