Archive of Confluence Q&A Site - matsim-org/matsim-code-examples GitHub Wiki
This is a read-only archive of our previous Q&A site. If you have a new question about MATSim that has not been addressed below, please create a new Github Issue:
THIS FORUM CLOSED: Q&A has moved to Github. See below.
asked by Billy Charlton on 2018-08-27 (1 comment)
JAXBException in Java 10
asked by Aseem Awad on 2018-08-26
asked by Aseem Awad on 2018-08-25 (2 comments)
PT: transfer walks vs. direct walks
asked by Davi Bicudo on 2018-08-22 (1 comment)
Reproducible runs
asked by Johan W. Joubert on 2018-08-20 (1 comment)
scenario freezes (no error) with 16 agents but runs with 15
asked by Gregory Macfarlane on 2018-08-16 (1 comment)
differentiated scoring of non "pt" transit modes
asked by Gunnar Flötteröd on 2018-08-14 (1 comment)
What exactly does TimeAllocationMutator_ReRoute do?
asked by Davi Bicudo on 2018-08-08 (1 comment)
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
asked by F.USA on 2018-08-02
General guidelines for large scenarios
asked by Gregory Macfarlane on 2018-07-27
Crashing with Broken barrier exception
asked by Ashraf Uz Zaman Patwary on 2018-07-26 (2 comments)
Carsharing Scoring (TwoWay)
asked by Giulio Giorgione on 2018-07-19 (2 comments)
initial agent's plans
asked by Rizki Nagari on 2018-07-19 (2 comments)
Filter a network on a custom field
asked by Gregory Macfarlane on 2018-07-13 (2 comments)
Unreasonably high share for taxis with high price
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2018-07-13 (1 comment)
asked by JIANSHU ZHU on 2018-07-12 (2 comments)
How to define/read custom person attributes?
asked by Nirmeen on 2018-07-11 (4 comments)
Installation help
asked by Jana Sarran on 2018-07-10 (1 comment)
Input files needed in MatSim evacuation module
asked by Nodeshee Roopchund on 2018-07-07 (1 comment)
[Network file] Select small area of map as network file
asked by Nodeshee Roopchund on 2018-07-07 (2 comments)
the amount about output
asked by JIANSHU ZHU on 2018-07-04
Pt leg mode behaves like a car
asked by Ecaterina McCormick on 2018-07-03
Different way of binding of TransitRouter by class directly
asked by Enoch Lee on 2018-07-03 (1 comment)
Network TravelTime update
asked by Pradeep Burla on 2018-07-03
Best approach to assign facilities location
asked by Rizki Nagari on 2018-07-02
Unable to create injector for CombinedSignalsModule
asked by Jimmy Joseph on 2018-07-02 (2 comments)
asked by JIANSHU ZHU on 2018-07-02
PT simulation using JDEQSim
asked by Pradeep Burla on 2018-06-30 (1 comment)
PT vehicle creation
asked by Ecaterina McCormick on 2018-06-29 (1 comment)
Mixed Line endings in Plans file, on Windows
asked by John O on 2018-06-29 (1 comment)
the output file doesn't contain an event file
asked by JIANSHU ZHU on 2018-06-28 (2 comments)
Waiting time for pt from events file
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2018-06-27 (3 comments)
MatsimNetworkReader vs scenario.getNetwork()
asked by Davi Bicudo on 2018-06-27
How to insert basemap in Simunto Via
asked by Rizki Nagari on 2018-06-26 (1 comment)
Using shipments instead of services
asked by Carlos Olivos on 2018-06-21 (2 comments)
Clarification of how LinkReplanningMap in within-day replanning works to select agents?
asked by Jingsi on 2018-06-19 (1 comment)
How to use the AV intermodal router in drt package?
asked by Clemens Schmidt on 2018-06-15 (2 comments)
Macroscopic viewpoint
asked by Quero on 2018-06-10 (3 comments)
population error: PersonPrepareForSim.1 died with exception while handling events.
asked by Obiora Nnene on 2018-06-02 (5 comments)
Agents not loaded when using TrafficSignals
asked by Jimmy Joseph on 2018-06-02 (3 comments)
Sioux Falls 2014
asked by Johan W. Joubert on 2018-05-31 (1 comment)
gtfs data conversion
asked by Obiora Nnene on 2018-05-26 (3 comments)
Modal split in first iterations
asked by Johannes Lieberherr on 2018-05-23 (3 comments)
asked by Ecaterina McCormick on 2018-05-22 (1 comment)
Read population directly from Postgresql database?
asked by Davi Bicudo on 2018-05-22 (2 comments)
About the "Emission cost module" in MATSim
asked by cui yi on 2018-05-21 (1 comment)
About Internalization Air Pollution in MATSim
asked by cui yi on 2018-05-19 (1 comment)
Events not getting written at the end of last iteration
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2018-05-17 (1 comment)
Network cleaning and coordinate system setup
asked by Rizki Nagari on 2018-05-17
Error while running simulation in cluster using MobaXterm
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2018-05-15 (3 comments)
Optimal JVM configuration for large MATSim runs?
asked by Davi Bicudo on 2018-05-08 (1 comment)
matsim input data preparation
asked by Rizki Nagari on 2018-05-07 (1 comment)
Transit least cost path tree based on link travel time
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2018-05-07 (1 comment)
Compute the total Vehicle Hour of Travel (VHT) from e.g. [6am - 10am] for people going to '''work'
asked by Alain Tcheukam on 2018-05-06 (1 comment)
Illegal state exception for taxi simulation
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2018-05-04 (2 comments)
Question about different score with same plan
asked by wdg on 2018-05-01 (2 comments)
Reducing computation time for large scenarios by running in a cluster
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2018-04-26 (6 comments)
About scoring in carsharing
asked by wdg on 2018-04-20
Pause/Resume in MATSim Standalone 0.9.1 available?
asked by Wolfgang Schieder on 2018-04-18 (1 comment)
Loading map base in OTFVisualizer
asked by Pradeep Burla on 2018-04-14
asked by Johan W. Joubert on 2018-04-11
Running signals extension from command line
asked by Fabio Ghielmetti on 2018-04-11 (2 comments)
Scoring parameters for walk
asked by Ramo on 2018-04-08 (1 comment)
Subpopulation scoring within a public transit network
asked by Yannis Hemrich on 2018-04-05 (4 comments)
agent communication
asked by youssef on 2018-04-01 (2 comments)
inconclusive ERROR matsim.core.mobsim.qsim.qnetsimengine.QNetsimEngine.registerAdditionalAgentOnLink
asked by Gerald Richter on 2018-03-28 (3 comments)
transEnergySim extension
asked by Eric Yeap on 2018-03-28
Can roadpricing extension run in multimodal network?
asked by Jinkai Zhou on 2018-03-27 (2 comments)
Post-processing in MATSim: Compute the total Vehicle Kilometer of Travel (VKT)
asked by Alain Tcheukam on 2018-03-26 (3 comments)
setFreeSpeedBasedOnSchedule error
asked by Pradeep Burla on 2018-03-26 (1 comment)
Bus schedules in mess
asked by Yueshuai He on 2018-03-22
About the error running accessibilityexample
asked by cui yi on 2018-03-21 (1 comment)
About oneway carsharing simulation
asked by wdg on 2018-03-21 (1 comment)
Sub-population replanning modules
asked by Gregory Macfarlane on 2018-03-20 (1 comment)
Errors in running oneway carsharing
asked by wdg on 2018-03-19 (1 comment)
Substituting only transit_walk of pt trip
asked by harisbal on 2018-03-14
About the Setting of "planCalcScore" and the Simulation result
asked by cui yi on 2018-03-11
Error/Exit code: 1
asked by 647 on 2018-03-10
Unmaterialized config group in standalone version
asked by Enoch Lee on 2018-03-07 (1 comment)
What is the current commit policy to master?
asked by Andreas Neumann on 2018-03-05 (2 comments)
Next MATSim Tutorial event?
asked by Gretar Ævarsson on 2018-03-04 (1 comment)
Multiple network reads depending on population size
asked by Gregory Macfarlane on 2018-02-28 (1 comment)
Bet Awards 2018 Live
asked by gias khan on 2018-02-28
runtime and memory usage
asked by Stephan Lehmler on 2018-02-28 (1 comment)
inconsistent route distance and travel time in the plan
asked by Amit Agarwal on 2018-02-28 (1 comment)
Dynamic demand request generation in Matsim
asked by usha amrutha n on 2018-02-28 (3 comments)
Identical plans
asked by Stephan Lehmler on 2018-02-27
Crucial differences in 'output plans' and 'experienced plans' of the last iteration
asked by Wolfgang Schieder on 2018-02-27 (2 comments)
pt2matsim extension
asked by Jinkai Zhou on 2018-02-26 (2 comments)
About the accessibility example
asked by cui yi on 2018-02-24
Fixed Time Work Activity
asked by Mohammad Saleem on 2018-02-23 (1 comment)
Config file parameters implications
asked by harisbal on 2018-02-23 (2 comments)
Error in MatsimTestUtils
asked by Johan W. Joubert on 2018-02-23 (1 comment)
Running MatSim as shell script (or on command prompt)?
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2018-02-23 (3 comments)
Error using MatsimTestUtils
asked by Johan W. Joubert on 2018-02-23 (1 comment)
Import matsim as maven into Eclipse
asked by Petr Hajduk on 2018-02-21 (5 comments)
The Simulation Result about "Transit_walk" mode
asked by cui yi on 2018-02-21 (1 comment)
What is the weight of strategy actually mean?
asked by Enoch Lee on 2018-02-16 (1 comment)
How to generate inputs for public transport simulation?
asked by Stephan Lehmler on 2018-02-12 (1 comment)
Is 'maximumVelocity' ignored in 'equil-mixedTraffic' example?
asked by Wolfgang Schieder on 2018-02-07 (2 comments)
Carsharing freefloating and stations
asked by Erdenebat on 2018-02-05
JDEQSim vs Qsim
asked by Pradeep Burla on 2018-02-04 (2 comments)
OTFVis user guide
asked by youssef on 2018-02-03
Capability of MatSIM to simulate multi-modal behaviour
asked by soumen chak on 2018-02-03 (2 comments)
Shapefile to MATSim network.
asked by Jinkai Zhou on 2018-02-02 (1 comment)
strange warnings and memory [pt, pt2matsim]
asked by Stephan Lehmler on 2018-02-02 (2 comments)
Academic papers about taxi optimizer
asked by Lichen Luo on 2018-02-02 (1 comment)
Allow change only to specific mode
asked by harisbal on 2018-02-01 (1 comment)
Is MATSIM pluggable with a GIS ?
asked by Erwan Bocher on 2018-02-01 (1 comment)
Error in pt-simple example
asked by Marianne Petersen on 2018-01-31 (3 comments)
Broken or incorrect data on
asked by Marianne Petersen on 2018-01-30 (2 comments)
Introduce pt fare in scoring
asked by harisbal on 2018-01-29 (1 comment)
Consultation About the Mixed traffic _TWO
asked by cui yi on 2018-01-29 (2 comments)
Consultation About the Mixed traffic
asked by cui yi on 2018-01-26 (1 comment)
About the seepage mode in Qsim
asked by Lichen Luo on 2018-01-25 (1 comment)
Simulating Car, Bus, Bike with mixed traffic
asked by cui yi on 2018-01-25 (1 comment)
OTFVis visualizer
asked by youssef on 2018-01-23 (1 comment)
subpopulation used in scoring
asked by Daoge Wang on 2018-01-22 (1 comment)
Configuration for Subtourmodechoice
asked by Sashi Gurram on 2018-01-21 (1 comment)
Simulation with large scale population file
asked by Yueshuai He on 2018-01-18 (3 comments)
About simulate the other modes except car
asked by cui yi on 2018-01-17 (1 comment)
ERROR QSim:314 got exception while cleaning up
asked by cui yi on 2018-01-17 (1 comment)
Mode/alternative specific constants
asked by Ecaterina McCormick on 2018-01-15 (1 comment)
What happens at empty intersections?
asked by Henrik Bette on 2018-01-10 (1 comment)
What is the unit of emission events?
asked by Enoch Lee on 2018-01-09 (1 comment)
evacuation-tutorial error in matsim-0.9.0
asked by leslie c. on 2018-01-09
About Coordinate Transformation
asked by Daoge Wang on 2017-12-28 (1 comment)
In regard to the accessibility module example
asked by Lichen Luo on 2017-12-15
simulating more than one day - output inconsistency?
asked by Gerald Richter on 2017-12-14 (1 comment)
About create Transitschedule.xml file
asked by cui yi on 2017-12-12 (2 comments)
Experiences with Java profilers?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2017-12-10 (5 comments)
A question about "one way" carsharing
asked by Daoge Wang on 2017-12-07 (1 comment)
How to set initial positions of taxis for each iteration?
asked by Lichen Luo on 2017-12-04 (1 comment)
I get stuck in creating the plans/population file
asked by F.USA on 2017-12-01 (3 comments)
Getting the iteration number for writing own output
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2017-12-01 (2 comments)
Car availability ignored
asked by harisbal on 2017-11-30 (2 comments)
About the Emissions by SenozonVia
asked by cui yi on 2017-11-30
About the Emissions by SenozonVia
asked by cui yi on 2017-11-30
About the Emissions by SenozonVia
asked by cui yi on 2017-11-30 (2 comments)
Scoring modification and re-planning before simulation start
asked by harisbal on 2017-11-29 (2 comments)
About the plans and network
asked by cui yi on 2017-11-29 (1 comment)
preferential signal timing for certain modes
asked by Jinkai Zhou on 2017-11-28 (1 comment)
Extract Transit Route Flows Automatically / Scripting Via
asked by Jacqueline Aspäck on 2017-11-22 (1 comment)
NetworkChangeEvent types
asked by Johan W. Joubert on 2017-11-22 (1 comment)
'wrappedFromNodes' and 'wrappedToNodes' in Intermodal example
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2017-11-21 (2 comments)
ConcurrentModificationException in events handling?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2017-11-20 (1 comment)
Does anybody know where (for confluence questions) the "convert to comment" or "convert to answer" button has gone?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2017-11-15
How to get travel time/route for taxi mode in output?
asked by Lichen Luo on 2017-11-13 (1 comment)
Does car routing consider link loads of last iteration
asked by Johannes Lieberherr on 2017-11-13 (2 comments)
asked by L Marquez on 2017-11-12 (1 comment)
asked by Jinkai Zhou on 2017-11-09 (1 comment)
When to use AgentSource?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2017-10-30
networkRoute problem
asked by Lichen Luo on 2017-10-30
how to get route and travel time for taxi mode?
asked by Lichen Luo on 2017-10-26
Subpopulation strategy weights.
asked by harisbal on 2017-10-25 (2 comments)
DRT contrib
asked by Zahra Navidi on 2017-10-24 (2 comments)
About stationbased shared AV in DRT contrib
asked by Biyu Wang on 2017-10-23 (2 comments)
configShared.xml not found
asked by Biyu Wang on 2017-10-20 (1 comment)
Link statistics output interval
asked by harisbal on 2017-10-18
Overriding the binding to the pt router
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2017-10-18 (2 comments)
otfvis/network problem after modifying the input data in av contrib example.
asked by Lichen Luo on 2017-10-18
Is MATSim microscopic or mesoscopic? and why?
asked by F.USA on 2017-10-17 (1 comment)
MATSim site broken
asked by harisbal on 2017-10-13 (2 comments)
Can I change the Plan of a Person during EventsManager? (re-route)
asked by Cornelia Hebenstreit on 2017-10-04 (3 comments)
DRT: Computing speed on an Intel Xeon CPU is slower than on my laptop (problem with multi-threading?!)
asked by Jacqueline Aspäck on 2017-09-27 (3 comments)
Can "Cadyts" use for carsharing?
asked by Daoge Wang on 2017-09-20 (2 comments)
Traffic counts for less than 1hour intervals
asked by harisbal on 2017-09-16 (2 comments)
How to make stuck vehicles turn back on the reverse link
asked by L Marquez on 2017-09-14
Simulation executed correctly, but very few agents arrive within reasonable time?
asked by Abdullah Binthunaiya on 2017-09-13 (4 comments)
asked by Kai Nagel on 2017-09-13
asked by Kai Nagel on 2017-09-13
asked by Kai Nagel on 2017-09-12
Converting Executed Routes (selected plans) to Shapefiles
asked by Abdullah Binthunaiya on 2017-09-09
How to modify calibrations for being close to the reality?
asked by Daoge Wang on 2017-09-08
change link freespeed in the network file
asked by Jinkai Zhou on 2017-09-06 (3 comments)
Simulation did not run properly. Error/exit code 1
asked by Katherine York on 2017-09-06
viewing simulation result on via
asked by Alemu Tadesse on 2017-09-05 (2 comments)
matsim agent's plan and config.xml
asked by Alemu Tadesse on 2017-09-05 (1 comment)
the links Distances have changed after converting .osm to MATSim Network XML
asked by Abdullah Binthunaiya on 2017-08-30 (1 comment)
Passengers for regular car modes
asked by Ecaterina McCormick on 2017-08-29 (1 comment)
Post Simulation Analysis of the shortest path between multiple Origin-Destination points
asked by Abdullah Binthunaiya on 2017-08-25
Error launching otfvis
asked by Katherine York on 2017-08-25 (1 comment)
How can I make vehicles wait indefinitely?
asked by L Marquez on 2017-08-25 (1 comment)
How to access a GZ file in Maven?
asked by Alvin S on 2017-08-24 (1 comment)
Finding an example config file
asked by C. Livingston on 2017-08-23 (1 comment)
I added an extension in my Maven Pom file, but I cannot modify the example scripts
asked by Thibaut Dubernet on 2017-08-23 (1 comment)
Percentage of agents using train mode versus car mode during a specific time period
asked by Abdullah Binthunaiya on 2017-08-23 (1 comment)
ride as congested teleported mode
asked by Johannes Lieberherr on 2017-08-22 (1 comment)
Error "could not find or load main class" when trying to run MatSim from the terminal
asked by Katherine York on 2017-08-21 (1 comment)
Using Extensions "manually"
asked by F.USA on 2017-08-19
log4j setLevel access
asked by Robert Fitzgerald on 2017-08-18 (1 comment)
Carsharing extension in xml config file
asked by F.USA on 2017-08-17 (1 comment)
Using PSim with custom replanning strategies
asked by Renan Grace on 2017-08-11 (3 comments)
multimodal simulation fails
asked by Pradeep Burla on 2017-08-09 (1 comment)
Change leg mode for subpopulation
asked by Pradeep Burla on 2017-08-07 (1 comment)
How can i scale down a simulation containing only rail networks and trains.
asked by makinde on 2017-08-07 (1 comment)
minibus example error - Unmaterialized config group: changeMode
asked by Rolando Armas on 2017-08-04 (1 comment)
What is the logic of vehicle enters traffic whenever the capacity is full?
asked by Enoch Lee on 2017-07-31 (1 comment)
Total number of bus passengers?
asked by seham hemdan on 2017-07-27 (1 comment)
Starting with network transit
asked by Gregory Macfarlane on 2017-07-27
Is there potential of enhancing mode choice in MATSim?
asked by mengying fu on 2017-07-17 (1 comment)
Calculating occupancy/ridership of multimodal network
asked by Abdullah Binthunaiya on 2017-07-13 (1 comment)
"Google ReCAPTCHA failed to load" when trying to sign up
asked by Kai Nagel on 2017-07-12 (1 comment)
IT ressources
asked by Denis Metrailler on 2017-07-12 (1 comment)
Elastic demand simulation
asked by Adam Wu on 2017-07-12 (1 comment)
How to run emissions-0.8.0?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2017-07-11 (2 comments)
How do I make the starting time of an event important?
asked by Enoch Lee on 2017-07-11 (1 comment)
Guice throwing "Unable to create injector" exception when running taxi scenario
asked by Shenyang Chen on 2017-07-11 (1 comment)
Maven Setup issue
asked by Shenyang Chen on 2017-07-11 (1 comment)
Difference between drt, av, and taxi modules?
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2017-07-10 (1 comment)
How to restart a simulation
asked by Denis Metrailler on 2017-07-10 (1 comment)
How to use within-day replanning?
asked by Xinnan Cheng on 2017-07-10 (1 comment)
Differences between drt and taxibus contribs
asked by Ossian Strömberg on 2017-07-07 (1 comment)
Error in TransitLeastCostPathTree
asked by Ecaterina McCormick on 2017-07-07 (1 comment)
How to transfer between different PT stops.
asked by Jinkai Zhou on 2017-07-06 (1 comment)
asked by Gregory Macfarlane on 2017-07-05 (1 comment)
How much benefit is there in using multi-threading for replanning?
asked by Renan Grace on 2017-06-29 (1 comment)
DESPITE cleaned network - getting "No route was found from node A to node B"
asked by Gerald Richter on 2017-06-27 (1 comment)
running a custom routing algorithm for many iterations
asked by oussama smiai on 2017-06-27 (1 comment)
Difference between Via the free version and the unlimited (academic) version.
asked by Jinkai Zhou on 2017-06-24 (1 comment)
Park and ride in vsp playground
asked by Renan Grace on 2017-06-22 (1 comment)
Can you specify different modal availability for each subpopulation? Or can vehicle types be assigned to modes?
asked by Krishna Murthy Gurumurthy on 2017-06-17 (1 comment)
Error on Senozon Via.
asked by Jinkai Zhou on 2017-06-17 (1 comment)
Transforming WGS84 coordinates to UTM18N - PT
asked by Jinkai Zhou on 2017-06-16 (1 comment)
Is it possible to edit and change GTFS data?
asked by Jinkai Zhou on 2017-06-16 (3 comments)
Issue with pt stop facilities
asked by Sashi Gurram on 2017-06-13 (1 comment)
agents getting stuck and aborted (question updated)
asked by Sashi Gurram on 2017-06-10 (2 comments)
routing fastest travel time
asked by oussama smiai on 2017-06-09 (3 comments)
Why is a null Vehicle passed to LeastCostPathCalculator?
asked by oussama smiai on 2017-06-09
Implementation of PT Router
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2017-06-09 (1 comment)
Building a release
asked by Milos Balac on 2017-06-04 (2 comments)
Is there an agent limit ?
asked by Ryan Johnston on 2017-05-31 (1 comment)
Is there already a tool to export snapshots of the macroscopic network flows at some time interval?
asked by Robert Fitzgerald on 2017-05-30 (1 comment)
Relationship between travel disutility, routing and scoring
asked by Renan Grace on 2017-05-29 (1 comment)
First and last activity types are the same, but MATSim does not comply
asked by Florian Zenoni on 2017-05-26
Errors in Building Protobuf Module.
asked by Mukesh Sahu on 2017-05-26
Effect of 0 pce on travel times of other vehicles (and link capacities)
asked by Sashi Gurram on 2017-05-21 (1 comment)
Problem using network_v2.dtd
asked by Daniel Fay on 2017-05-19 (2 comments)
Broken barrier exception
asked by Renan Grace on 2017-05-19 (1 comment)
What is the best way to implement a custom coloring scheme in otfvis?
asked by Henrik Bette on 2017-05-19 (2 comments)
Visualize and manipulate MATSim networks in QGIS
asked by Florian Zenoni on 2017-05-16 (1 comment)
How we can actually run the extension after we add the extension under dependency?
asked by Xuebo Lai on 2017-05-15 (1 comment)
Problem with bus and tram congestion when downsampling
asked by Renan Grace on 2017-05-15 (3 comments)
Reducing the capacity of a few links to simulate a hypothetical scenario
asked by Sashi Gurram on 2017-05-14 (1 comment)
Use of Lanes in MATSim
asked by Jacqueline Aspäck on 2017-05-11 (2 comments)
Creating nodes from shape file
asked by Sergej Davydov on 2017-05-10
ERROR QSim:317 got exception while cleaning up
asked by makinde on 2017-05-09
Are there any concrete plans to extend the public transport router in MATSim?
asked by Johannes Lieberherr on 2017-05-06 (3 comments)
Protobuf Compilation Error
asked by Wout David on 2017-05-04 (1 comment)
Is there an automated way to generate a transit schedule from existing data sources?
asked by Daniel Fay on 2017-05-04 (2 comments)
What is the best way to create a network file including public transit links from existing data sources?
asked by Daniel Fay on 2017-05-04 (2 comments)
How to implement a Change Events File
asked by L Marquez on 2017-05-04 (2 comments)
asked by Ecaterina McCormick on 2017-05-03 (1 comment)
Simulating pt with mixed traffic
asked by Sashi Gurram on 2017-05-03 (1 comment)
Question on ParkingSlotVisualiser
asked by Florian Zenoni on 2017-05-02 (1 comment)
When to use TimeAllocationMutator_ReRoute
asked by Sashi Gurram on 2017-04-30 (1 comment)
NullPointerException - unspecified problem with config consistency
asked by Gerald Richter on 2017-04-28 (2 comments)
Error injecting Transit Router
asked by Renan Grace on 2017-04-28 (1 comment)
Questions on planscalcrouter
asked by Sashi Gurram on 2017-04-27 (1 comment)
pce and vehicle length
asked by Sashi Gurram on 2017-04-26 (1 comment)
Why are vehicles in my simulation travelling so slow?
asked by Daniele Miranda on 2017-04-26 (1 comment)
How does MATSim choose the rate at which agents are released from a starting link?
asked by Celeste Manu on 2017-04-25 (3 comments)
Best practices for mode innovation
asked by Sashi Gurram on 2017-04-25 (1 comment)
How are intersections modeled in MATSim?
asked by Celeste Manu on 2017-04-25 (1 comment)
How to create car only links?
asked by Enoch Lee on 2017-04-24 (1 comment)
Issues with mixed traffic example
asked by Sashi Gurram on 2017-04-23 (1 comment)
In the Matsim Evacuation extension 0.9.0, how to use predifined shapefiles for the evacuation area and the evacuation demand?
asked by dieynaba on 2017-04-21 (3 comments)
How do we model the interaction between car and bus/tram(pt)?
asked by Enoch Lee on 2017-04-19 (1 comment)
Income dependent marginal utility of money
asked by James Brooks on 2017-04-19 (2 comments)
how do I implement turn restrictions?
asked by Gerald Richter on 2017-04-18 (2 comments)
Problems with Mixed Traffic
asked by Renan Grace on 2017-04-17 (1 comment)
eventsFileFormat in txt
asked by L Marquez on 2017-04-12 (1 comment)
Getting VMT from Contrib Taxi
asked by Marco Bohmbach on 2017-04-12 (1 comment)
Link Slopes Percentage
asked by Carlo Castagnari on 2017-04-12 (1 comment)
How to speed up matsim simulation?
asked by Michele Simoni on 2017-04-11 (1 comment)
Assigning transit vehicles
asked by Sashi Gurram on 2017-04-09 (1 comment)
Integration of SubPopulations
asked by Benjamin Moehring on 2017-04-06 (1 comment)
Premium lane pricing
asked by Renan Grace on 2017-04-04 (1 comment)
Problem integrate charging to drt
asked by Marco Bohmbach on 2017-03-29 (1 comment)
Incorporate fare into transit
asked by Enoch Lee on 2017-03-26 (2 comments)
Get 13 errors when trying to load example5-config ? matsim-0.8.1
asked by Initial yang on 2017-03-24 (1 comment)
OSM converted network error
asked by Lei Zhu on 2017-03-23 (2 comments)
People performing instantaneous activities and not complying to opening hours
asked by Michele Simoni on 2017-03-23 (2 comments)
What is the definition of effectivecellsize in plans/population file?
asked by Celeste Manu on 2017-03-21 (1 comment)
What determines an agent's start time?
asked by Celeste Manu on 2017-03-21 (1 comment)
How to make agent start on link "from" node instead of "to" node in plans?
asked by Celeste Manu on 2017-03-21 (1 comment)
Defining custom routes
asked by Celeste Manu on 2017-03-20 (1 comment)
Trip duration and stuck pt users
asked by Rolando Armas on 2017-03-20 (1 comment)
Taxi reserved to members of a single household
asked by Gregory Macfarlane on 2017-03-18 (4 comments)
Is it possible to disable gzip format for the Matsim output files? Is it possible to select which output files to be produced and have them in XML rather than GZIP format?
asked by L Marquez on 2017-03-17 (1 comment)
roadpricing - multiple schemes in one scenario
asked by Renan Grace on 2017-03-15 (1 comment)
Freight contr.: cost dependent of ID
asked by Koen Mommens on 2017-03-14 (2 comments)
Is it possible to specify an agent's exact arrival time at node?
asked by Celeste Manu on 2017-03-13 (2 comments)
Reducing direct walk trips in 'RunTaxiPTIntermodalExample'
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2017-03-13 (1 comment)
What does MATSim do when other assignment models use zone connectors?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2017-03-13 (1 comment)
How to visualize cars entering a parking facility
asked by Florian Zenoni on 2017-03-13 (1 comment)
Can I export MATSim motion data as GPS Data (GPX)?
asked by Thure Beyer on 2017-03-11 (1 comment)
is there a difference between providing all activity timing information instead of just start_time and duration
asked by Gerald Richter on 2017-03-05 (1 comment)
Add custom network mode other than car
asked by Dominik Grether on 2017-03-03 (1 comment)
Population generation - theory and adjusting
asked by Karsten Hager on 2017-03-02 (1 comment)
How to run .java example scripts?
asked by Florian Zenoni on 2017-03-01
How to get rid of "The first and the last activity do not have the same type" error?
asked by Celeste Manu on 2017-03-01 (2 comments)
how to install and execute the accessibility extension?
asked by doods balaba on 2017-02-28 (1 comment)
Cannot run the simulation with lanes for turn-restricted link
asked by Enoch Lee on 2017-02-24 (2 comments)
How to run the parking extension?
asked by Florian Zenoni on 2017-02-24 (1 comment)
Submodel Generator
asked by Jacqueline Aspäck on 2017-02-22
Model a fleet of electronic taxisbus vehicles?
asked by Marco Bohmbach on 2017-02-21 (2 comments)
Shared taxi and intermodal wiith Sioux Falls Network
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2017-02-21 (1 comment)
Passenger distance [pkm]
asked by Wolfgang Schieder on 2017-02-20 (1 comment)
Basic help with roadpricing -- really probably a generic contribs question
asked by Larry Walker on 2017-02-17 (1 comment)
Why does network cleaner keep deleting my links?
asked by Celeste Manu on 2017-02-14 (2 comments)
How could I run multiple instances of MATSim in a distributed way?
asked by Christos Tsotskas on 2017-02-13 (2 comments)
NetworkUtils.createAndAddLink - how to use in multimodal context?
asked by Karsten Hager on 2017-02-13 (1 comment)
How to understand traffic assignment?
asked by Xinru Wang on 2017-02-12 (1 comment)
How to understand and use contribs?
asked by Marco Bohmbach on 2017-02-09 (2 comments)
Advice on parsing/analyzing large events files
asked by Larry Walker on 2017-02-08 (1 comment)
0.9.0-Snapshot / Master-Version via Example Project
asked by Karsten Hager on 2017-02-07 (2 comments)
what is the meaning of network, links attribute 'capperiod'
asked by Gerald Richter on 2017-02-06 (2 comments)
GUI Matsim
asked by Buchmann on 2017-02-05 (1 comment)
single agents sometimes very slow on short links
asked by Gerald Richter on 2017-02-02 (1 comment)
How to create network_v1 using JOSM with MATSim plug in?
asked by Marco Bohmbach on 2017-02-02 (4 comments)
calculating system optimum using MATSIM
asked by Ido Klein on 2017-01-25 (1 comment)
Writing output events did not work
asked by Ecaterina McCormick on 2017-01-24 (2 comments)
Is MATSim able to handle microsimulation?
asked by FernandoF on 2017-01-20 (1 comment)
Up-to-date OTFVis tutorial or manual?
asked by Larry Walker on 2017-01-18 (2 comments)
Are the utility parameters not specified in the configuration file assumed?
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2017-01-18 (1 comment)
If I want the agent simulation to go as fast as possible, given other agent's plans and that the max is the freespeed of that road, what should I put for the activity duration or end time?
asked by Celeste Manu on 2017-01-17 (1 comment)
Tollfactor in freight contribution
asked by Koen Mommens on 2017-01-16 (1 comment)
Switching on the 'destinationknown' parameter in
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2017-01-16 (1 comment)
How is the waiting time for an agent using modes such as pt incorporated in the scoring function? Is it already included in the 'travel time disutility' term in the scoring function?
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2017-01-12 (1 comment)
Calibration with Cadyts
asked by Tony on 2017-01-09 (1 comment)
Initiate network without scenario?
asked by Andrew A Campbell on 2017-01-08 (1 comment)
How can i find this archived resource??
asked by makinde on 2017-01-04 (2 comments)
Does the evacuation extension 0.8.0 work with matsim 0.8.1?
asked by Celeste Manu on 2016-12-30 (1 comment)
How to convert osm to matsim network file?
asked by Celeste Manu on 2016-12-23 (2 comments)
How to get the Link for X-,Y-Coordinates
asked by JakobT on 2016-12-19 (1 comment)
How to define custom plan attributes in a file?
asked by gunnarfloetteroed on 2016-12-14 (1 comment)
link network.xml inductive chargeable street
asked by oussama smiai on 2016-12-13 (1 comment)
I have the RunXxxExample class, but how I create my own variant with this guice stuff?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-12-11 (1 comment)
time-dependent mobsim settings
asked by Chao Zhang on 2016-12-08 (1 comment)
I cannot find where I can find?
asked by Hitomi Nakanishi on 2016-11-29 (4 comments)
Typical Scoring Function Parameters and their Calibration
asked by Zahra Navidi on 2016-11-25 (2 comments)
Contributions related to shared taxi and integration of modes
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2016-11-21 (1 comment)
Unmaterialized config group: one_taxi
asked by Konstanze Winter on 2016-11-18 (1 comment)
Best way to reject a request and put it back in queue
asked by Tom Tim on 2016-11-15 (1 comment)
Is MATSim core no longer independent?
asked by Johan W. Joubert on 2016-11-14 (3 comments)
PT Interaction
asked by Ana Paula Nunes Duarte on 2016-11-09 (1 comment)
PT Plans
asked by Camila Feliciano on 2016-11-07 (1 comment)
Analysis of queues at traffic signals
asked by Theresa Thunig on 2016-11-04 (1 comment)
MATSim Zurich Tutorial shuts down suddenly at the 10th iteration. It produces no event file or graphs at the 10th iteration
asked by makinde on 2016-11-03 (2 comments)
why do I have to set a default duration for each activity type
asked by Gerald Richter on 2016-11-02 (1 comment)
Multiple road pricing schemes in one simulation
asked by Johan W. Joubert on 2016-11-01 (1 comment)
ERROR MatsimRuntimeModifications
asked by makinde on 2016-10-31 (2 comments)
Running the contributions using 'config.xml' file from GUI
asked by Jishnu Narayan on 2016-10-28 (2 comments)
how do I determine or know which simulator is in use - qsim or JDEQsim ?
asked by Gerald Richter on 2016-10-25 (1 comment)
NullPointerException in SignalsModule
asked by Theresa Thunig on 2016-10-20 (2 comments)
Unmaterialized config group: signalsystems
asked by Theresa Thunig on 2016-10-20 (1 comment)
activity at time
asked by GregoryM on 2016-10-20 (1 comment)
agent's pt plan: No route was found
asked by Rolando Armas on 2016-10-19 (1 comment)
What to do when I get a "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jxmapviewer/viewer/TileFactoryInfo" error?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-10-18 (1 comment)
scoring of intermediate home activities
asked by gunnarfloetteroed on 2016-10-18 (2 comments)
Changing the leg modes
asked by Rolando Armas on 2016-10-13 (3 comments)
How to read waitingForPt events
asked by Rolando Armas on 2016-10-11 (1 comment)
dvrp - dynagent : set destination
asked by Tom Tim on 2016-10-05 (1 comment)
ptAnalysis handler?
asked by Rolando Armas on 2016-10-04 (1 comment)
Obtain a Provider instance that uses custom TravelTime WITHOUT calling
asked by gunnarfloetteroed on 2016-09-30 (2 comments)
asked by makinde on 2016-09-29 (2 comments)
accessibility: some questions
asked by Rolando Armas on 2016-09-20 (2 comments)
Extension assisting population creation
asked by Ecaterina McCormick on 2016-09-19 (2 comments)
The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed
asked by Ecaterina McCormick on 2016-09-19 (1 comment)
Emissions Events, how to read it using an event handler?
asked by Rolando Armas on 2016-09-19 (1 comment)
I cannot figure out to run extensions on Eclipse
asked by Jack Hill on 2016-09-13 (1 comment)
Event Based PT router with multimodal network
asked by seham hemdan on 2016-09-12 (1 comment)
How to use TripsAnalyzer (analysis contrib)
asked by Rolando Armas on 2016-09-09 (1 comment)
Already Exists a node with id
asked by Jack Hill on 2016-09-07 (1 comment)
Problem running Matsim exit code: 1
asked by Jack Hill on 2016-09-06 (1 comment)
How to run contrib:networkEditor?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-09-05 (1 comment)
how to make a movie from otfvis
asked by Gerald Richter on 2016-09-05 (2 comments)
Real Time Decision Making
asked by JakobT on 2016-09-05 (1 comment)
Unmaterialized config group: roadpricing
asked by GregoryM on 2016-09-03 (1 comment)
some questions about multimodality
asked by Rolando Armas on 2016-09-03 (2 comments)
Autonomous Vehicles Cooperating with a Traffic Light
asked by Mahmoud Faraj on 2016-09-02 (1 comment)
Transit vehicle is not yet at last stop!
asked by Rolando Armas on 2016-09-02 (3 comments)
accessibility contrib - how to run the example?
asked by Rolando Armas on 2016-08-31 (2 comments)
Help to add Traffic Lights information
asked by Camila Feliciano on 2016-08-30 (1 comment)
If no end-time or duration for an activity is provided but a default duration is, should tis work?
asked by Gerald Richter on 2016-08-30 (1 comment)
Get 13 error messages when trying to load example1-config ?
asked by Jack Hill on 2016-08-29 (1 comment)
How to install Apachearchiver Basic Support on Eclipse?
asked by Jack Hill on 2016-08-29 (3 comments)
Is transit possible after midnight?
asked by Ektoras Chandakas on 2016-08-29 (1 comment)
How to extract public transit waiting time?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-08-29 (2 comments)
Why do I get an unhandled Exception while processing persons
asked by Gerald Richter on 2016-08-29 (1 comment)
avg. score plan NaN
asked by Rolando Armas on 2016-08-29 (1 comment)
Plan adaptation within simulation
asked by Milos Balac on 2016-08-25 (2 comments)
Aborting an agent
asked by Milos Balac on 2016-08-24 (1 comment)
End dvrp/taxi simulation
asked by Yousef Hindy on 2016-08-19 (1 comment)
Did something change in PopulationUtils?
asked by Yousef Hindy on 2016-08-18 (1 comment)
Does Matsim work with household profiles?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-08-09 (1 comment)
Where are items such as "transit_walk" mode and "startwaitingforpt" in 0.7.x?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-08-09 (1 comment)
Is it possible to implement and simulate parking algorithms in MATSim?
asked by Amelia Tee on 2016-08-05 (1 comment)
get plan index with PlanImpl
asked by GregoryM on 2016-08-04 (1 comment)
Testing for Nash equilibrium?
asked by Andrew A Campbell on 2016-07-28 (1 comment)
I would like to know how to fix these link error messages.
asked by Yousef Hindy on 2016-07-28 (1 comment)
Guice throwing "Unable to create injector" exception when running Pt scenario
asked by Ramon Iglesias on 2016-07-27 (1 comment)
Difference of MATSim and SimMobility (by MIT)
asked by Chee Czi on 2016-07-27
Creating the Network XML from an ArcGIS format (Network Dataset)
asked by Abdullah Binthunaiya on 2016-07-23 (2 comments)
How can I inherit from a MATSim core class that is final?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-07-20 (1 comment)
My MATSim run freezes. What can I do?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-07-18 (1 comment)
OutOfMemoryException although there is still free memory available?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-07-18 (2 comments)
How does MATSIM handle route choice?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-07-14 (1 comment)
Want to run MATLAB script from taxi optimizer.
asked by Yousef Hindy on 2016-07-13 (1 comment)
Public Transport: trains labeled as cars
asked by Alessandra on 2016-07-13 (1 comment)
How to manually edit schedules for dvrp or taxi?
asked by Yousef Hindy on 2016-07-12 (1 comment)
Creating custom link dynamic for Qsim
asked by Boris de Groot on 2016-07-12 (1 comment)
Eclipse won't recognize constructor
asked by Yousef Hindy on 2016-07-08 (1 comment)
How can I fix events out of order error?
asked by Yousef Hindy on 2016-07-07 (1 comment)
How to run outside optimizing route algorithm every 5 minutes in the simulation while keeping the simulation timestep resolution the same?
asked by Yousef Hindy on 2016-07-07 (1 comment)
How to calculate skims (zone-to-zone travel time or travel cost matrix)?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-07-04 (2 comments)
How to deal with disconnected network "islands"?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-07-04 (1 comment)
Can one get a non-rectangular area from OSM?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-07-04 (2 comments)
new vehicle type as main mode MATSim 0.7.0
asked by Amit Agarwal on 2016-06-27 (2 comments)
MATSim implementation advices for a framework development
asked by Jacopo de Berardinis on 2016-06-22 (1 comment)
customized controller for individual vehicle
asked by Yinhao Zhu on 2016-06-17 (2 comments)
inconsistent plans?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-06-16 (1 comment)
TripRouter seems to grossly overestimate travel time
asked by Andrew A Campbell on 2016-06-09 (2 comments)
How to implement park and ride trips?
asked by Imran Sharif us Salam on 2016-05-24
Emissions module compatibility with MATSim 0.6.0
asked by Valentin Melnikov on 2016-05-15 (1 comment)
How to assign different modes to different speed?
asked by Muhammad Ihsan on 2016-03-18 (1 comment)
Meaning of the Capacity attribute in the network xml
asked by Thibaut Dubernet on 2016-03-04 (3 comments)
Can I run MATSim with sample populations, e.g. with 10% of the true population size?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-03-01 (1 comment)
Change the behavior of a basic agent
asked by ИванД on 2016-03-01 (1 comment)
Agents keep disappearing
asked by Alvin Loh on 2016-02-22 (1 comment)
Problems running from terminal (OSX)
asked by Joe Bard on 2016-02-20 (1 comment)
How to implement an A* router with time-dependent feature?
asked by Zidong on 2016-02-15 (1 comment)
Initial place of ech vehicle daily trip
asked by allan on 2016-02-10 (1 comment)
How to map out the congested links
asked by Dapeng Li on 2016-02-09 (2 comments)
Transit router not working as expected
asked by Andrés Felipe Gómez Moreno on 2016-02-03 (2 comments)
How to derive departure and arrival curves
asked by Dapeng Li on 2016-02-02 (1 comment)
How to derive link MOEs?
asked by Dapeng Li on 2016-02-02 (1 comment)
How to increase the demand by (10%, 20%, 50%, ...) without changing the plans file?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-02-01 (1 comment)
I was wondering whether the calculated individual scores are also saved some where or I should calculate them myself.
asked by Kai Nagel on 2016-01-19 (1 comment)
Extracting the time and location of each agent in a simulation
asked by Thibaut Dubernet on 2015-12-17 (1 comment)
Do plans have to end at the same place where they start?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-10-26 (2 comments)
Insert a new transport mode such as electric vehicle in MATSim 0.5
asked by allan on 2015-10-26 (2 comments)
File not found error
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-10-17 (1 comment)
How do router/scoring influence the learning?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-10-16 (1 comment)
anybody working on Traffic light signal control projects
asked by Ramesh on 2015-10-03 (2 comments)
How to end an agent's activity prematurely?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-09-24 (1 comment)
Mapping between parcels and TAZs
asked by Sashi Gurram on 2015-09-03 (1 comment)
How to document contribs?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-08-31 (1 comment)
Can we add a capacity limit for the nodes? and if yes how does it effect the results of the simulation?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-08-30 (2 comments)
I want to work off-line. Is that possible?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-08-27 (1 comment)
I get X11 related Exceptions when running on a server. What's wrong?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-08-27 (2 comments)
What is my "root" directory from where all pathnames ("./xxx...") are defined?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-08-27 (1 comment)
Where is the log-file located?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-08-27 (1 comment)
What are the System Requirements for MATSim?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-08-27 (1 comment)
How can I fix "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" errors?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-08-27 (1 comment)
I want to prevent my agents from walking from their origin to their destination.
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-08-22 (1 comment)
I would like to be sure what the linkstats, generated by MATSim every certain number of iterations, are showing.
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-08-22 (1 comment)
How to change the agent's routes dynamically?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-07-27 (1 comment)
How otfvis detect the waiting or delayed agents? There is a way to compute the stops and how long it takes?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-07-08 (1 comment)
MATSim is not compiling
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-06-24 (1 comment)
Is the speed of a vehicle through a link affected at all by numbers of vehicles?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-06-22 (1 comment)
How stochastic are travel times in MATSim?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-06-18 (1 comment)
In order to have proper statistically valid results of my simulations should I calculate a sample of runs? Or should I create a sample of synthetic populations and run them several times? How can I design the experiment?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-06-16 (1 comment)
Simulation stops, but does not shut-down (starvation)
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-06-15 (1 comment)
HDF5 network files?
asked by GregoryM on 2015-06-05 (1 comment)
How to generate MATSim input from VISUM input?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-06-04 (1 comment)
How to provide coding examples?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-06-03 (1 comment)
How to change the "employed" attribute of an agent?
asked by Johan W. Joubert on 2015-06-01 (4 comments)
How to change the status of a link while the mobsim is running?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-05-31 (1 comment)
Have you ever tried to catch a event like a car entering in a link?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-05-31 (1 comment)
How to get rid of "No route was found from node A to node B" error?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2015-05-31 (2 comments)
How to convert shapefile to MATSim network?
asked by Davi Guggisberg on 2014-11-24 (3 comments)
How do I get a route from a link to another link?
asked by Kai Nagel on 2014-11-15 (1 comment)
Checking the type of a typed Id
asked by Johan W. Joubert on 2014-10-01 (1 comment)
How to convert typed Id?
asked by Michael Zilske on 2014-09-30 (1 comment)