output data - matroxel/roman_imsim GitHub Wiki

Truth files

The necessary truth input to the objects simulated are written to <out_path>/truth/<output_meds>_<dither>_truth_gal.fits, where out_path and output_meds are defined in the .yaml files and dither is a command line input to the simulation python call.

Image files

The output SCA images are written to <out_path>/images/<output_meds>_<filter>_<dither>_<sca>.fits, where out_path and output_meds are defined in the .yaml files and filter and dither are command line inputs to the simulation python call. sca is the SCA index for each image.

Postage stamp files

The postage stamp cutouts of all objects simulated are written to <out_path>/stamps/<output_meds>_<filter>_<dither>_<sca>.fits, where out_path and output_meds are defined in the .yaml files and filter and dither are command line inputs to the simulation python call. sca is the SCA index for each image. These are cPickle dumps of python dictionaries with keys the unique object id (the index of the object in the input galaxy distribution file). The dictionary has entries: ra, dec (world coordinates), x, y (SCA pixel coordinates), mag (GalSim calculated magnitude), stamp (stamp size in pixels), gal (galaxy GalSim image object, which includes things like local WCS information), psf (psf GalSim image object, which includes things like local WCS information), weight (flattened array of weight map).

These are only saved for the isolated objects. If you want stamps of objects with neighboring light or blending, cut them out directly from the full images.

MEDS files

There will exist a MEDS afterburner that 1) cuts out postage stamps from the full SCA images and saves it in MEDS format and 2) reformats the isolated object stamps into MEDS format. This hasn't been ported to branch v0.0 yet.

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