Gocd Tray - matroberts/GocdTray GitHub Wiki
Windows System Tray application to show go.cd pipeline status
Design Goals
- Correct reporting of go.cd status - including multistage pipelines
- No need to add and remove pipelines - new pipelines added automatically, old pipelines removed automatically
- Better highlighting of broken builds
- Better notification to build breaker
Feature List
Alpha (1.0)
- Basic operation showing list of pipelines and their status
- Tray showing overall status
Beta (1.1)
- Sorting by Build Status and A-Z. Default to by Build Status.
- Double click to open website in correct place
- Opening position above tray.
- Dark theme
- fontawesome glyphs
- Appveryor Build
- Click Once Deploy
- Set version number properly
- Auto detect new versions available
- autostart on reboot
- Configure go.cd connection.
- Password field for password
- Test connection button and show connection errors.
- Crash report
Gamma (1.2)
- Flash screen when build breaks
- Show paused builds
- Object style rows in tray, so can show more detailed information
- Annoy build breaker
- bootstrapper package seems to be the wrong version
- pfx file - currently not signed. would a test cert be better?
- Secure storage of credentials - is it actually necessary https://weblogs.asp.net/jongalloway/encrypting-passwords-in-a-net-app-config-file
- Force build from the tray
- Multi go.cd sources
- System Tray Application using WPF https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1173686/A-Csharp-System-Tray-Application-using-WPF-Forms
- WPF Command Pattern with MVVM https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/813345/Basic-MVVM-and-ICommand-Usage-Example
- WPF Styling https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating
- WPF Window Chrome https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6792275/how-to-create-custom-window-chrome-in-wpf/27845491#27845491
- Click Once Deploy
- Three types of WPF styling
- Datagrid styling
- Notification Area
- Need code signing to preserve the icon https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/asklar/2012/03/06/system-tray-notification-area-icons/
- Cleanup https://winaero.com/blog/fix-notification-area-system-tray-icons-are-messed-up-in-windows-10/
- Font awesome to icon converter
- Eigengrau
- Hammer sound