Contribute - matomo-org/matomo-sdk-android GitHub Wiki


All contributions are welcome. For something like fixing typos, just send a PR. If you are planning larger changes it's recommended to first create an issue ticket to let everyone else know about your intentions.

Contributing code

  • Fork this project.
  • Create a feature branch based on the 'master' branch. Name it something useful like pr-bugfix-XXXXX or pr-feature-XXXX.
  • Drink coffee and develop an awesome new feature. When writing code try to adhere to existing code styles used through out the project or within the file you are editing.
  • Add tests for your new feature. Check our other tests for some examples.
  • Make sure that everything still works by running ./gradlew clean assemble test.
  • Run Android-Studio's Optimize imports and Reformat code.
  • Commit & push the changes to your repo.
  • Now you can visit this repository again and you can create a pull request from your feature branch against the master branch of the this repo
  • Explain your changes in the pull request, we can see what changed, but tell us why.
  • If your PR passes the travis-ci build and has no merge conflicts wait for someone with commit access to review your changes, otherwise fix the code and ensure the travis-ci build passes.