Blogging Features in Noteworthy - matigo/Noteworthy GitHub Wiki
Noteworthy has a number of features that makes it a wonderful tool for quickly blogging. You can easily mark a post for future release, include footnotes, and import images with ease. And here's how you can do it.
###Future (or Back) Dating a Post To set a specific date for your post, simply change the Note's "Created On" date to whatever you would like. This will be reflected on the website. Any post that is "created" in the future will not appear on the website until that date and time.
###Making Footnotes Footnotes can be added to a Post by using square brackets and a number in the following format:
This is an example sentence[1. and this is what the footnotes look like].
Footnotes will be put at the end of any post, and included in the RSS feeds as well.
###Including Images This is easy. Just put an image into the post (in JPG, PNG, GIF, or BMP) format, and it will be part of the published article.
###Going Forward More functions and features will be built into Noteworthy as time goes on. Some of the areas that I would like to tackle include adding audio files for budget PodCasters, as well as the ability to embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and other places around the web. Have a request? Feel free to make an Enhancement Request.