Starterware platform lcd.c - matianfu/survivor GitHub Wiki
There is lcd.c file in evm and evmsk platform file, but no such file for beaglebone.
In lcd.c, global functions:
Function | Declaration | Users |
LCDPinMuxSetup | boardname.h | raster, many |
LCDVersionGet | raster.h | raster |
LCDModuleClkConfig | boardname.h | raster, many |
LCDBackLightEnable | boardname.h | raster, many |
LCDBackLightDisable | boardname.h | raster, many |
UPDNPinControl | boardname.h | raster, many |
The declaration should be added into beaglebone.h, all of them should be implemented in lcd.c for beaglebone. Furthermore, the UPDNPinControl should be implemented in a custom logic.
For local (static) functions, the call graph:
-> I2CAINTCConfigure -> I2CIsr
-> SetupI2C
-> UPDNControl -> SetupI2CTransmit/SetupReception -> ClearInterrupts
That is, all internal functions are servicing UPDNPinControl. Since we do not use I2C for XT32037, we won't need them.
Enable/Disable should be changed. Pinmux should be slightly modified. Others leave alone.