Starterware platform lcd.c - matianfu/survivor GitHub Wiki

There is lcd.c file in evm and evmsk platform file, but no such file for beaglebone.

In lcd.c, global functions:

Function Declaration Users
LCDPinMuxSetup boardname.h raster, many
LCDVersionGet raster.h raster
LCDModuleClkConfig boardname.h raster, many
LCDBackLightEnable boardname.h raster, many
LCDBackLightDisable boardname.h raster, many
UPDNPinControl boardname.h raster, many

The declaration should be added into beaglebone.h, all of them should be implemented in lcd.c for beaglebone. Furthermore, the UPDNPinControl should be implemented in a custom logic.

For local (static) functions, the call graph:


-> I2CAINTCConfigure -> I2CIsr

-> SetupI2C

-> UPDNControl -> SetupI2CTransmit/SetupReception -> ClearInterrupts

That is, all internal functions are servicing UPDNPinControl. Since we do not use I2C for XT32037, we won't need them.

Enable/Disable should be changed. Pinmux should be slightly modified. Others leave alone.