Microsoft Word document containing equations - mathjax/mathjax-docs GitHub Wiki
Hey, I have a document in office 2007 having lots of maths eqns. inside tabels. now I want to see this doc page as it is in browser, what to so so that it will show tables and eqns. properly.
What I have tried: I have converted all eqns in to MathML using Mathtype. Now if I select all and copy paste the content in html page it shows all mixup with no tables (but showing eqns. properly)
If I convert this mathml doc in to html it doesn't do anything it shows web page same as doc with MathMl tags with tables (i.e., doc written in mathml)
Problems seems to be:
- mathml conversion doesn't do any thing with table and
- html conversion of MathMl document doesn't do any thing with mathml content(takes it text).
Now what to do so that eqns. as well as comes together properly in web page ??
reply asap, and an advance thanks.
There may be better ways these days but an old posting of mine gives one way:
David Carlisle