How to: MathJax in a JQueryUI ToolTip - mathjax/MathJax-docs GitHub Wiki


  • Make sure and include a reference to the jquery, jqueryui (and jqueryui css), and MathJax libraries

  • For the text with equations that is to be displayed in a tooltip somewhere, put it in a hidden div that can be accessed later by its css id (this will be found and rendered by the MathJax library)

  • Include the following code below in the jquery $(document).ready method (here mainStuff is the id of the overarching div/html element that contains everything). The first bit sets up a callback for when Mathjax is done rendering all of the equations it could find. The second part is a way to get raw html put into the tooltip itself (putting html into the "title" attribute of an element does not seem to work).

      //Set up a callback to hear back when MathJax is done rendering the equations
      //  it finds
                    '@Url.Action("ActionResultMethod","ControllerName",{controller parameters})', 
                    function () {
                            function () {                
      //set things up so that we can shove raw html into what is shown in the tooltip; 
      //  in this case, we will have already put into the title attribute the html that 
      //  contains the MathJax rendered equations (via what we do in the callback).
      $(function () {
                  content: function () {
                  return $(this).prop('title');