Minutes November 4 2020 - math-comp/math-comp GitHub Wiki

Finding a release manager alongside Reynald for November 30th release: no candidate yet.

Reynald points out that during the last release process, the RM had to set assignees and set milestones for PRs and issues.

  • how to set assignees as soon as possible?
  • how to make sure milestones are set for PRs?
  • what is the semantics of the various tags?

Finding assignees should not be the role of the release managers. To bootstrap, Christian volunteers to find assignees for the PR in the milestone 1.12 and to go through the list of issues too. Should be done within one week.

Proposed measures to maintain the invariants in time:

  • Only blocking issues should be milestones.
  • All issues should ideally have an assignee but milestone issues must have one.
  • All PRs should have an assignee except drafts. The author of the PR may ask people and complain if she does not find an assignee fast enough.

Last time, preparing the docker image has been time-consuming, and required interacting with Erik. The documentation still needs to be improved. Yves is willing to help this time again, even when he is not RM. Enrico notes that the docker image should not necessarily be on the plate of RMs: it could be delegated to an external contributor. Yves agrees that eventually we could change the procedure and pull this out of the RM duties. But as of now it would be better to avoid a single point of failure, and documentation is still too rough.