Orientation - mateuszherczka/kuros_demo GitHub Wiki
Current coordinate system
- X pointing away from the wall at the workstation desks.
- Y pointing at window to the right.
- Z pointing up.
The angles
The values below have been found empirically while testing kuros. Confirm this experimentally before using the robot at speed!
Rotations are done in the order Yaw Pitch Roll. Units are degrees.
Rotation around Z axis.
- 0 points towards the wall along -X axis.
- -90 points towards window along Y axis.
- -180 points towards workstations along X axis.
Rotation around X axis.
- 0 points down towards floor along -Z axis.
- 90 points towards window along Y axis.
Rotation around Y axis.
- 90 points towards wall along -X axis.
- 180 points down along -Z axis.
- 270 points towards workstations along X axis.
The current HOME position is robot rotated towards window, arm bent at 90 degree angle, tool rotated 45 degrees downwards.
To rotate the tool so it points straight at floor, use -90 0 180.