Installation Instructions - matatacmca/chromeGamification GitHub Wiki

Complete these steps to install chromeGamification

1 Prerequisites

  1. Apache Couch DB I used couch DB v1.6.1 (if utils page does not say ADMIN PARTY, you will need to manually add the databases 'chromeGamification_config' and 'chromeGamification_data' before completing install). More information on installing CouchDB can be found here (v2.1.1) or here (v1.6.1)
  2. Apache2 web server or equivalent that accepts https requests I used Apache2 with a self-signed SSL Cert. if you use a self-signed cert, users may have an issue with loading their progress bar and logs, combat this with providing them with a direct link to the progress.php file on your web server so they can proceed to the unsecured site
  3. PHP 5.7

2 Clone Repository

  1. Using a command line:
    a. Navigate to your preferred directory (must be available to your web server)
    b. Type 'git clone'
  2. Using a visual file explorer a. Download the repository zip from b. extract to your preferred directory (must be available to your web server)

3 Extension Settings

  1. Download extension/googleChrome/ from your web server and extract to a folder on your computer
  2. Open file 'extension/googleChrome/content.js', Find the line 'var server = "https://hostName";', and replace 'hostname' with your server URL, including subdirectories, but no trailing slashes eg. ""
  3. Repeat for 'extension/googleChrome/popup.js'
  4. Using Google chrome, navigate to chrome://extensions
  5. Ensure developer mode is enabled
  6. Select 'Load Unpacked Extension'
  7. Select the root folder of the extension on your computer

4 Game Installation

  1. In your browser, navigate to install.php on your web server eg ""
  2. Complete the installation wizard
  3. Navigate to config.php on your web server eg ""
  4. Add additional levels, badges, and users as desired